RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
January 2002, Monday
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Free Lecture: The Campaing for Disclosure
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Southern Oregon University- Stevenson Union
The Disclosure Project- Click for more information Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library in cooperation with SOU Media Collective present:

"The Campaing for Disclosure"
With Dan Willis and Jordan Pease


Press Release:

Dozens of Government Insiders Expose 50-year UFO Cover-up

Disclosure Project witness Dan Willis and DP staff member Jordan Pease will present a one-hour video followed by a one-hour question and answer period at Sothern Oregon University.

The Disclosure Project aims to reveal the hidden reality of the UFO phenomena and the U.S. Government's 50 year cover-up of ET visitation and revolutionary energy technologies.

The Disclosure Project, a Virginia based research and investigative group, has obtained the video taped testimony of dozens of military, intelligence, corporate, and government witnesses to highly classified, rogue projects that have withheld technologies that could reverse environmental destruction and end world dependence on fossil fuel.

Dr. Steven Greer, director of The Disclosure Project, has identified over 450 such government witnesses who have been involved in so-called ‘black projects’, and is urging Congressional hearings so that these witnesses may openly testify about these operations.

Dr. Greer states "These are highly credible military and government witnesses to events and programs that, if properly disclosed, would enable America and the world to reach energy independence, without fossil fuels. Many of these witnesses have dealt directly with advanced energy and propulsion technologies that have been illegally sequestered from the public and from the legitimate government and which could have made Mid-East oil obsolete decades ago."

Rogue Valley residents and Disclosure Project staff members Jordan Pease and Dan Willis decided to present the video at SOU a second time because the first presentation on October 19, 2001 was so well attended. "I didn't really know how many people to expect the first time and when over 150 showed-up, we had to move the presentation to a bigger room!" said Pease who is also the Director of the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library. "After spending the Summer touring with the Disclosure Project, I have a great desire to share this information with my local community. I was very pleased with the response to the October event, and I know there are still a lot of people in this area who would like to know more about this important issue."

Dan Willis, Disclosure Project witness and local Oregon resident helped to facilitate the recent Campaign for Symposium Tour. "Because the major media won't take seriously anything UFO-related, the public is being denied the truth about what's really going on. Come to our event and we'll show you the facts that the media is not disclosing" Willis said, "People deserve to know the full truth".

Website: http://www.disclosureproject.org

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Phone (541) 552-9119 | Fax (541) 482-2691

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