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January 2004, Friday
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Intro to Earth Energy Geometry Gridworks by Micheal Sunanda
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Michael Sunanda- Click for more information Intro to Earth Energy Geometry Gridworks

SUNERGY FIELDS of EEGGs : "Sacred Geometry or Screwed by Big $cience"

By Micheal Sunanda

Requested Donation


We'll Explore Dimensions:

* How Naturenergy flows ~ Unified fields of vortex, geodesics & Spiral waves!

* How Big $ci uses, distorts & denies natural geometry of earth in universe?

* Who discovered the perfect patterns of Nature working everywhere all-at-once.

* How energetics of plasma=ether=Chi=Orgone fills-all-space infinite patterns!

* How earth-pole-shifts in Cataclysmic evolution, cause & effects, empires fall

* How manmade gridworks of power suck energy, pollute & make U$ sick!

* How organic Permaculture works in natural geometry maximizing fertility

* Spontaneous generation, mutations & anomalies in spiraling vortex & DNA.

Principle Patterns to Cover:

Law of Octaves * fractal geometry * Orgone/ether energy
Sun-Earth connection * Our healthy instincts in earthgrids
Toroidospheres of gravity * Para & Dia Magnetism
cold & warm fusion & fission * Geodeisic dome geometry
Geospasms of earth changes * UFO/ET using fractal space
Eco-astrology * 4 primal elements cycles * Centering in Spirals
Earth vortexes macro to micro * Space-weather effect Earth
Imploding & feminine waves * attraction, causeffects balancing

Sources: Velikovsky, W.Reich Orgonomy, Bucky Fuller Synergetics, bliss Schauberger & DAn Winter, Gurdjieff, Mother Earth, Mendelbrot/Julia fractals, Chi-kung, Hollow Earth, R.Hoagland, Pleidians, Earth Star world map, Multi-Dimensions of 7 elements, rainbow meditation, GeoToys = flexahedrons James McCanney, Hapgood, LaViolette, R.Flem-Ath, Alan & Delair ~ about how/when/why Atlantis sunk.

Presenter's Biography:

I began learning Sacred geometry, cosmic energy & empire gridworks in '71 with Nature, Bucky Fuller & Reichs Orgone fields. Meditation shows the spiraling patterns, inspiring me in & out! with Multi-dimensions of energy flow. I have 3 degrees: technical school, BS in PE, MS in family counseling/parenting. Been making geodesic Geo-toys to learn & teach how spherical geometry works since '70s. My astrology research begn in mid '80s, evolving Solunar ~ Eco-astrology in '90s & birthday in 9-28-44. Also studying geospasm- cataclysmic evolution, organic food growing in Permaculture at home 10 years. The natural cosmic earth changes with weather are amazing & accelerating vast last 5 years, finding causeffect patterns to share with you. Gaia blessing us
E-mail: Michealspun@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.efn.org/~ecozma

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