RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
January 2004, Saturday
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Natural Vision Improvement: Beyond Clarity with Karen Kiester
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
Karen Kiester Natural Vision Improvement: Beyond Clarity
With Karen Kister

Free Introductory Lecture

Presentation Description:

Free yourself from glasses and more. Learn proper vision habits so your eyes can relax, move and see more clearly. Based on the work of William H. Bates (1860-1931) and the studies of Thomas R. Quackenbush , it is not exercises, but rather relearning natural, correct vision habits that will allow your vision to return to clarity. Beyond clarity refers to the other aspects of vision such as: color, texture, and three-dimension. Vision is primarily mental. When you study the human vision system, many doors and paths open.

Visual blur is your body's way of letting you know that your visual system is strained and its cry to be restored to balance. Learn the connection to left brain/right brain dominance and more. Many have improved conditions of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. A list of books and other resources will be provided for your further study.

Presenter's Biography:

Karen Kiester has been paying her bills as a computer programmer/analyst for a number of corporations for the past 20 years. Her other 'life' includes studying Energy Medicine for over 10 years, and is a practicing Reiki Master. She also works with Bach Flower Essences and has dabbled in a number of modalities; and Nikken Wellness Products. Her interest in returning to visual clarity began a few years ago, and she has studied with Thomas Quackenbush at various time sover the past two years. She is now a certified Natural Vision Improvement Instructor and looks forward to sharing this powerful work with you and guiding you in your quest for clarity.

Note: This presentation is one of two introductory lectures to a seven session series beginning 2/7/04.

Karen can be reached at 541-941-8432 or dragenfli50@yahoo.com

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