RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
April 2004, Tuesday
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RVML's "Members Only Book Vault"
Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
In addition to our regular collection in the library downstairs, RVML has thousands more books, videos and audiocassettes that we keep upstairs in our "Book Vault", and most items are available for members to check-out.

Important Notes: 1) As an incentive to join RVML, The Book Vault is open to library members only. 2) Most of the items in the Book Vault are not included in our searchable database. 3) The Book Vault is located upstairs in Suite 6 (directly above the library).

Lecture: The Advent of Primary Perception- The Work of Cleve Backster By Franci Prowse
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Franci Prowse- Click for more information The Advent of Primary Perception
By Franci Prowse

All Tuesday evening events
at RVML are free admission.

Presentation Description:

Common sense says that in order for something to exist in our world, it must have a name, which means someone was able to become conscious of its presence and identify it. Often a discovery is revealed, then researchers find correlations from written history to verify that it has been there all along. Then it can enter the mainstream of human consciousness. That is what has happened with Cleve Backster and "Primary Perception".

Many people have heard the story made famous in The Secret Life of Plants of Cleve’s initial experience of attaching a plant to a polygraph, and getting a clear reading on the Galvanic Skin Response chart. Cleve thought of various ways to threaten the plant’s well-being, similar to key questions in a polygraph test. As he has written: At that moment, the plant was about fifteen feet away and the polygraph equipment was about five feet away from where I was standing. The only new thing that occurred was this thought. It was early in the morning and no other person was in the laboratory. My thought and intent was: "I’m gonna burn that leaf!" just to see what the plant would do. The second the imagery of burning that leaf entered my mind, the recording pen jumped to the top of the chart! No words were spoken, no touching the plant, no lighting of matches, just the clear intention to burn the leaf. The plant recording showed wild excitation. This was a powerful, high-quality observation.

The study of plants, eggs, bacteria, yogurt, and other living foods led eventually to the study of human cells in a test tube responding to the stress of the donor even when miles away. Each chapter of Cleve’s exploration is packed with stories that still amaze me while I assist Cleve in polishing up his nine chapters. And that’s only the first part of the book.

We have also launched a dialog between a psychic and a scientist, which is well -met even in conservative colleges. We discuss the implications of his research, the effect upon the scientific world, and the future of research in biocommunication, which correlates closely with quantum physics and non-locality; a non time-consuming field that allows consciousness and the phenomenal world to share an invisible web.

Here is a brief excerpt from that interview:

Cleve Backster: This sort of observing was only the beginning of what has come to be known as primary perception. This term I coined to describe a very fundamental communication that appears to occur with plants and at the cellular level in animal life, including humans.

Franci: I was telling someone on the radio about this book we are working on, and the host asked me, "If my white cells are in a test-tube, and I’m hundreds of miles away and they react to my stress, what does that mean?" The only thing I could think of on the spot was, it means there is unity between the creator and that which it creates. It means that your soul vibration lives in every cell of your body, in the DNA, as long as those cells are alive. It shows that we are spiritual beings, a field of energy that spans any distance. But I don’t think that’s what you would have said. So if he were here to ask you, what would you say?

Cleve: The first thing that I would explain is, this illustrates that there is another kind of communication going on. A kind that the traditional scientific community is unaware of, that will allow cells in the body to be connected with each other, aside from the nervous system. Also, when you take the cells out of the body, that same system still works. Distance doesn’t matter. The very hypothesis says that this is not distance-limited or time consuming. It means that it doesn’t matter where the cells are, the communication would still exist.

Franci: This is a funny and fascinating thing. The cells don’t lie, even when the mind is denying what they react to. The cells have a visceral response. But the mind is programmed to ignore it, override it, even create a separation?

Cleve: You see, the mind can be a trap. It’s a part of our karma to have this mind put in the way. It doesn’t occur to bacteria, for instance, to be thinking that way. They are all in tune with each other. It’s only the humans that set themselves so far apart from these functions. It gets them into all kinds of trouble, of course.


The Book: Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living foods, and Human cells. By Cleve Backster. White Rose Millennium Press, Franci Prowse, editor.

Please see the table of contents on the website for the book: http://www.primaryperception.com

Presenter's Biography:

Rev. Franci Prowse is a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute, 1975, and founder of the Anza Sanctuary of Healing Arts. Also writing under the name of Flora Powers, she published her first novel, Adventures in the Unnamed Decade and will soon publish a non-fiction work: the Hazards of Being Psychic.. Working as a professional aura reader and spiritual counselor for the last 30 years, she found that promoting certain ideas and feeding them into the mainstream is part of her mission.

For more information: http://www.Anzasanctuary.com or (909) 763 0346.

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