RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
July 2005, Tuesday
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Emotional Intimacy and the Spiritual Path by Nando Raynolds
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Nando Raynolds Emotional Intimacy and the Spiritual Path
By Nando Raynolds

All Tueday evening events at

Presentation Description:

This presentation will primarily be an experiential exploration of the three core skills of emotional intimacy : Understanding, Caring and Being-With. We will apply these to the spiritual practice of being in the present moment. These same skills are the foundation of emotional intimacy with ourselves and others. Come ready to learn and grow and enjoy the evening.

There are three primary spheres of relationship in our lives: with ourselves, with others and with our higher power. Emotional intimacy and openness with yourself allows you to be open to lasting spiritual experience. When we are closed or defensive with ourselves or others, this undermines our connection with our higher power. Correcting this and being open requires feeling safe - and this requires that we take our fears and defensiveness seriously and address them.

Many spiritual traditions do not factor the psychological foundation of developing emotional intimacy with oneself and others into their practices. As a consequence, it is common to meet people on the spiritual path who are critical of themselves and who have relationship challenges with others. Creating intimacy is a skill based on specific attitudes and behaviors that most of us have never learned. In this evening, you will identify and practice some of these skills. For most people, this is easier than you think. As you develop these skills, your sense of safety and openness in the three realms will blossom and your enjoyment of life will increase.

Presenter's Biography:

Nando Raynolds, M.A. is well known in the Rogue Valley, having worked here as a psychotherapist, life coach, and Tıai Chi and Chi Kung instructor for the last 17 years. Nando is known for his warmth and good humor. His presentations are fun, clear and transformative.


Tuesday evening event formats:

1) Video/Discussion Format:

60 Minute video
10 Minute break
50 Minute discussion

2) Lecture/Presentation Format:

90-120 Minute presentation including break and Q&A period.

RVML's MISSION STATEMENT: "Providing easy access to a comprehensive collection of metaphysical, spiritual, and paranormal information that inspires and transforms."

RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. Cost: $15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available. More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library and Event Center
1756 Ashland St. (Hwy. 66), Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone (541) 552-9119 | Fax (541) 482-2691

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