RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
July 2007, Tuesday
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Lecture: Eisenhower UFO Contact and Nuclear War? by Art Campbell
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Art Campbell- Click for more information Lecture: Eisenhower UFO Contact and Nuclear War?
By Art Campbell

$5.00 - 20.00 Suggested donation, everyone welcome, no one turned away

Presentation Description:

On February 9, 1955, Eisenhower announced to the press that he was going to Georgia for a few days. He left on Feb. 10th at 1:00 p.m. from Andrews AFB with a party of six. A chartered planeload of journalists from all major networks accompanied him. The planeload of press was with Ike because of international tensions. The Russians were having a major leadership upheaval and the Red Chinese were making moves towards Formosa. Ike and party arrived at his destination, Thomasville GA, about 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 10th, hunted quail for an hour, and retired to his guest cottage. Less than 24 hours later, President Eisenhower showed up at Holloman AFB. Ike was out of the press view for some 36 hours. James Hagerty, his press secretary, told the press that Ike and his valet were "treating a case of the sniffles."

The source of Ike's visit to Holloman comes from an ex-airman stationed at the base hospital. The airman wrote a seven-page letter to UFO investigator/ speaker Art Campbell, delineating the details of Ike's visit and some of the activities while there. The Columbine III, Ike's Air Force One at the time, landed at Holloman around 9:00 a.m. on Feb. 11th. By previous arrangement, the plane taxied and parked on an active runway. A short time later, a UFO was seen to land in front of Air Force One. A man presumed to be Ike left the parked plane and walked to the UFO. A meeting of some 45 minutes took place and then he returned to the plane. Another UFO was seen hovering over the flight line while the meeting was going on.

The details are sketchy, but Ike was at the base until 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. when his plane left. Hundreds saw it (photo above.) Ike and the base commander spoke to several hundred military and civilian workers on the base and at a hangar and in the base theater. The airman listed the names of eight witnesses to this event. Other witnesses are being sought by investigator Art Campbell.

Presenter's Biography:

Art is a nationally known UFO researcher and speaker who has been active in UFO research beginning in Kansas City, Missouri in 1957. Art took time out between 1959 and 1989 for a successful teaching career. In that period of time, he was a teacher, counselor, football coach and high school principal. Originally, Art was a NICAP investigator working with Donald E. Keyhoe. Art formed a NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) affiliate in Kansas City in 1957, and worked on an important NICAP investigation of George Adamski, who claimed an alien contact in the Kansas City train yard.

Art is also the principle investigator of the UFO Crash at San Augustin, a little known, but highly significant crash of what the USAF referred to (in the famous 1947 Gen. Ramey's telegram) as "SITE TWO SW OF MAGDALEMA NEW MEX."

"Art Campbell's appearance on my program, X-Squared Radio,was one of the best times I have had as a radio host. He knew his subject matter well and had a good sense of humor. I have had guests who knew their material and who even had great credentials, but few have the ability to keep a listener's interest the way Art Campbell does."
-- Dr. Brooks Agnew, X-Squared Radio, Montreal, Canada

More information: artc@connpoint.net

Website: http://www.ufocrashbook.com


TUESDAY LECTURE SERIES FORMAT: 90-120-minute lecture presentation including break and Q&A period. All events conclude promptly at 9:00pm. All Tuesday night lecture presentations are recorded.

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RENT RVML's PRESENTATION FACILITIES: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available.

Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, presentations, video screenings or other events. $15.00 per hour. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available.

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