RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
August 2005, Friday
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Poetry Reading: A New Twist on Old Tales
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Poetry Reading: A New Twist on Old Tales; Two Artists, Two Takes

Free admission, donations appreciated.


Catie Faryl and Dan Verner are pleased to announce the opening of a new art show during the month of August at Nuwandart Gallery, 258 A Street. For many years the two artists/satirists have hoped to show artwork in the same venue. "A New Twist on Old Tales: Two Artists, Two Takes" is the title of the exhibition. Paintings, prints and assemblages will be used to explore familiar stories in some new and amusing ways. One thing both artists agree upon is that the "cutting edge" of art right now is having something intelligent to say and something intriguing to look at. Dan and Catie will be talking about their work on Ashland’s new radio station KSKQ 94.9 FM and will offer an evening of music, entertainment and commentary on August 19th from 7:30 -9:30 pm at the gallery.

The opening reception for the art show will be from 5 until 8 pm on First Friday August 5th. Art work will be on display from August 2 through August 31 during regular gallery hours, weekdays from 2 to 6 pm and Saturdays from 10 am until 6 pm. To view the exhibit at other times please call 535-1854.

More Information: Catie Faryl (541) 535-1854


RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library and Event Center
1756 Ashland St. (Hwy. 66), Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone (541) 552-9119 | Fax (541) 482-2691

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