RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
September 2005, Sunday
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2- Day Workshop: Uranus- "The Power of the Mind and It's Shadows" with Maurice Fernandez
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
2-Day Workshop: Uranus- "The Power of the Mind and It's Shadows" with Maurice Fernandez

DATES: Sat Sept 10 and Sun Sept 11th

Cost: $150 for both days - early registration discount until Aug 25, $180 after.

Workshop Description:

Uranus symbolizes the highest achievement of the human race; the peak of intelligence in use for decoding the mysteries of the universe. We will explore this fascinating archetype where human beings come close to being Gods and where progress flirts with decadence. Uranus will be placed in different houses and signs to explore this dynamic. This is brand new material from Maurice Fernandez!

Presenter's Biography:

Maurice Fernandez is becoming increasingly renowned across the world for bringing forth unique knowledge in astrology, notably for his revolutionary perspective on Neptune published in the book: "Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces". Currently living in Colorado, he maintains a busy teaching and counseling practice across the United States, Canada and Europe. He hosts a very instructive free learning Forum on his website.

e-mail: majorsky@earthlink.net

Website: http://www.mauricefernandez.com

To register, contact Julia Bondi (541) 488-1666 email: jabondi@earthlink.net

RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

Monthly RVML Volunteer Librarian Meeting- New Volunteers Welcome!
Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Monthly RVML Volunteer Librarian Meeting- New Volunteers Welcome!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer librarian, this is a great opportunity to meet other volunteers and learn about RVML's library procedures and systems.

Minimum commitment: Eight hours per month (2 or 4 hour shifts).

Our computer system is very easy to learn and use, and our volunteers find their experience to be very rewarding.

For more information, please contact us: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

Note: RVML's Monthly Librarian Meetings are normally on the FIRST SUNDAY of each month 12:30-2:00pm

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Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library and Event Center
1756 Ashland St. (Hwy. 66), Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone (541) 552-9119 | Fax (541) 482-2691

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