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December 2004, Saturday
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Video: New Paradigm World Views by Daniel Sheehan
Time: 10:00am - 2:15pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Daniel Sheehan- Click for more information Video: DanielSheehan- New Paradigm World Views
(Recorded 10/22/04 in Ashland, Oregon)

Free Admission


10:00 - 12:00 - Video: DanielSheehan- New Paradigm World Views

12:15 - 2:15 pm - New Paradigm Discussion and Snacks (please bring munchies)

Read Daniel Sheehan's complete resume: http://www.rvml.org/dannyres.html

Read Daniel Sheehan's Article: "New Paradigm Worldviews" http://www.rvml.org/newparadigm.html

Video Description:

(Note: This video was recorded on Friday, October 22, 2004 at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon. Copies of this video are available for purchace at RVML.)

Many Americans believe a "new" way of addressing and solving our public policy problems must be identified if we are, indeed, ever going to genuinely solve them. What might such a genuinely "new" way of analyzing domestic and international affairs look like?

Attorney Daniel Sheehan believes that the answer lies in the re-structuring of all of the classical fields of human knowledge - including "Political Philosophy" and "Political Science" - to fully integrate into these fields the absolutely extraordinary discoveries which were made in the field of "Quantum Physics" between 1923 and 1926.

It is important to understand how these important physical discoveries must alter our human understanding, not only in these important fields of physical science, but in our understanding of the world and our position therein.


The mission of The New Paradigm Project is to educate American citizens as to the set of principles which are logically generated by an adherence to the basic pillar beliefs of the Sixth Paradigm "Natural Law" Worldview which have been identified by THE CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF ALTERNATIVE WORLDVIEWS, to educate American citizens as to the specific public policies and public and private programs which logically flow from an adherence to these principles and to compare and contrast the policies and programs of the "New Paradigm Worldview" with those generated by the other seven "Worldviews" so identified.

This "New Paradigm" Worldview is rooted in a cosmological belief in a holistic, unified monistic Universe; in an ontological belief in the manifestation within our Universe of Consciousness as an integral aspect of the make up of our Universe and in the epistemological belief that we human beings are a confluence of mass, energy and consciousness who not only naturally manifest within our Universe but who also possess a biological faculty of intuition (which is a biological faculty just like sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell) by means of which each individual human being is potentially capable of directly experientially accessing the physical phenomenon which bonds together every single ultimately-irreducible inchoate quantum field of incipient matter in the entire physical Universe into one unified, harmonious whole.

This "Worldview" generates a "Mode of Ethical Reasoning" pursuant to which adherents to this "New Paradigm Worldview" believe that every individual human being possesses the potential capability of experientially discerning what human conduct is harmonious with the natural order of the Universe and what human conduct is dis-harmonious to the natural order of the Universe.

Adherence to these pillar beliefs of the "New Paradigm Worldview" generate an adherence to a "Natural Law Philosophy", a "Progressive Political Philosophy", an "Archetypal Theory of Human Psychology", a "Radically Monistic Mode of Spiritual Expression" and the advocacy of a "Bio-Regional, Communitarian Social Form."

The New Paradigm Project will conduct a grassroots public education campaign of the nature of the 19th Century Chautauqua Movement; radio and television programs and a major educational website. It will also sponsor the writing of books; the production of musical recordings; the writing and production of stage plays, television programs; large screen and television documentaries and motion pictures.

Presenter's Biography:

Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard-educated constitutional lawyer who has prosecuted some of the most significant and high-profile civil-rights cases during the last 20 years. He has taught Constitutional Law at the Antioch School of Law in Washington, D.C. and Constitutional History at the University of California in Santa Barbara. He has lectured at Harvard School of Law, Yale Law School, Notre Dame School of Law, and Cornell Law School.

Mr. Sheehan's long and impressive resume includes work on important issues such as women's rights, nuclear industry regulation, civil rights, education, and government accountability. Mr. Sheehan has a long and distinguished history as chief counsel in milestone cases such as the Pentagon Papers, The Iran-Contra Affair, Three Mile Island, and Karen Silkwood.

Website: http://www.newparadigminstitute.org

Read Daniel Sheehan's complete resume: http://www.rvml.org/dannyres.html

Read Daniel Sheehan's Article: "New Paradigm Worldviews" http://www.rvml.org/newparadigm.html

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