The vast array of colors in the natural world catch hold of my heart and make it dance. The shapes, the way light hits a leaf or a dune, and the glittering reflection of water on ocean animal’s bodies demand a stillness, an awe, an amazement at the remarkable beauty in nature.
Passion for nature, is for me that fullness in my heart that comes from seeing its wonders. I wish to fill my life with these wonders because they bring me joy and a deep connection with my world. Seeing the beauty in nature in all its forms makes my life rich and worthwhile.
There are other things I am passionate about, too. I am passionate about living authentically, and in my collage I included expressions that encourage my self and others to live fully and genuinely. Being who I am allows me to explore more of life’s wonders with an open, clear, appreciative attitude.
My art is a call to those who long to connect with their world. My hope is that it will show them that nature is ready and willing to transform any life into a more bright, joyful one not without great beauty and energy.