RVML Resource Center 2002-2007 Calendar Archives
January 2004, Tuesday
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RVML's "Members Only Book Vault"
Time: 4:30pm - 6:30pm
Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
In addition to our regular collection in the library downstairs, RVML has thousands more books, videos and audiocassettes that we keep upstairs in our "Book Vault", and most items are available for members to check-out.

Important Notes: 1) As an incentive to join RVML, The Book Vault is open to library members only. 2) Most of the items in the Book Vault are not included in our searchable database. 3) The Book Vault is located upstairs in Suite 6 (directly above the library).

Lecture: The Spiritual Journeys of Saint Germain
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Germain Lecture: The Spiritual Journeys of Saint Germain
By Germain

All Tuesday evening events
at RVML are free admission.

Presentation Description:

Since 1993, Germain has lectured on over 20 different topics in metaphysics, in four different countries.

Topics include: Middle Earth, Ascended Masters, The Seven Cosmic Rays, Northern Lights, The Building of the Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Bigfoot, Yeti, Alma, Sasquatch, Inter-Planetary Connection, Pleiades -Sirius- Orion- Arcturus and more. Also: The Great Central Sun, The Seven Super Universes, Prophecy 2012, Advanced Civilizations, Prayer, Meditation and Mantras, Dream Symbology, Retreats of Elohim, Angels and Ascended Masters, Shambhalla Mysteries, Secret Chamber of the Heart.......and more.

Presenter's Biography:

Germain is thirty-six years old, and was raised in Northern California. He has been a student of esoteric teachings since the age of six, under his parent's tutelage. He was born in the seventh month, in the seventh house on the street, address "77", the seventh family to live in the house, and he was born the seventh child, with very strong family values. Germain is an accomplished poet and has received publication through the International Society of Poets for the "Frost at Midnight" anthology, and also has been chosen to be on the masters of the spoken word recording, "Sound of Poetry" (1996).

Germain has recorded three Spoken Word C.D.s set to Reggae Music, which have aired on National Public Radio. Germain has performed with over 20 different World Music ensembles over the past 20 years. (Spoken Word, Percussion, Didjereedoo, Bamboo Flutes, & Classical Guitar.) He has performed Spoken Word with Ken Kesey, on the B.B.C. in July of 1999, and on many different local television stations in Europe and America. Performing with Scott Huckabay, the Grammy nominated, multi-award winning virtuoso guitarist, since 1999 in three countries thus far. He has recorded two different music video's with Scott in Belgium (2001). Germain has also produced two lecture videos including a guided meditation spoken word and solo music performances (2001, Belgium).

Germain's world travels have led him to China, Israel, Egypt, Iceland, and Canada.
Germain has lived on both coasts of America as well as in Spain, Germany, Belgium, and England. Has traveled Western Europe extensively since 1987 and has also spent time in India; meeting the Dalai Lama in 1997.

Website: http://www.harmonyoflight.com

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Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library and Event Center
1756 Ashland St. (Hwy. 66), Ashland, Oregon 97520
Phone (541) 552-9119 | Fax (541) 482-2691

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