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August 2002, Tuesday
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Lecture: Crop Circles - Signs of Our Times by Ted Clay
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Crop Circles - Signs of Our Times
By Ted Clay

All Tuesday evening events at RVML are free admission!

Presentation Description:

Question: Who or what has been making crop circle?

The motivation for giving this presentation now, rather than, say in a few months, is the release of the movie "Signs". I have yet to meet anyone who thought the movie was outstanding in any way. It simply the first major film to feature crop circles, a topic which has percolated along in the culture for the past twenty years or so.

We will start by viewing Colin Andrews's CD, "The Assessment". Colin Andrews rose to prominence as the world's leading crop circle researcher. He has produced several videos, two books, and has given numerous public presentations and interview. He has recently come to his own conclusion that about 80% of the crop circles are man-made, and that the 80% includes all of the most elaborate geometric designs.

The problem with that is that the 80% figure takes a lot of the fun out of it for some folks. It's difficult to pick up the supernatural vibes in a crop formation if you know that 4 out of 5 times some guys with rollers - probably - made it the night before. So of course there was some resistance to his ideas. He claims that the threats against him made him so uncomfortable that he hired a lawyer. It is quite ironic that the one person most responsible for bringing the crop circle phenomenon to the attention of the world has now found himself in the role of the critic of the quasi-religious movement he got rolling.

Colin Andrews leaves unexplained a tantalizing 20% of crop formations. Where I differ from him is that I think it is reasonable to conclude that all of them are man-made, except for a handful which are created naturally. In my opinion, it is not a psychokinetic, metaphysical or UFO phenomenon. While some feel that there is magical power in the sacred geometry of some of the designs, this is beyond the subject we will be addressing. Instead we will focus on their origins - by human hand, or something else.

In that context, we will start with Colin Andrews's show, which takes about a half-hour. He presents several ways to spot the evidence of man-made hoaxing. After that, I will show several additional clues to look for in photos of crop circles. You will become experts in looking at crop circles. I guarantee you that you will be able to spot evidences that most people miss.

After that, as time permits, we will cover several key items of evidence that are often cited as proof of the non-human origin of crop circles: Magically bent stalks, cellular changes, strange sounds that have been recorded in crop circles, and the sudden daylight appearance of a crop circle near Stonehenge in 1996.

Presenter's Biography:

Ted Clay is a resident of Ashland and has made a hobby of collecting information about crop circles. His skeptical view of the phenomenon has intrigued a variety of audiences in Oregon, California and Colorado.

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