This presentation will explain a holistic approach to ecological forest restoration, social equity, workforce development, and community partnerships. In the face of climate change and the new reality of wildfire in the West, collaborative, community-based forest restoration is a proven solution to help protect communities and natural resources. Lomakatsi staff Belinda Brown and Marko Bey will share their model for leveraging federal and state agreements with local partnerships to build long-term, landscape-scale forest and watershed stewardship projects. These agreements can bring millions of federal dollars to help create fire-adapted ecosystems and communities, while supporting sustainable jobs and local economies. This hands-on stewardship approach enhances wildlife habitat and helps prepares the landscape for beneficial fire.
Belinda and Marko will explain the importance of meaningful engagement with Tribal Nations and tribal communities, and how ecological restoration—combined with indigenous fire knowledge—can help promote tribal sovereignty, support co-management, and protect cultural beneficial resources. They will also share a whole-communities planning approach to disaster preparedness, why cultural resource monitoring needs to be considered, and how workforce training and development opportunities are necessary to meet the growing need for a skilled restoration workforce.
About Lomakatsi Restoration Project: The Ashland, Oregon-based Lomakatsi Restoration Project was founded in 1995 with the mission of restoring ecosystems and the sustainability of communities, cultures, and economies throughout Oregon and Northern California. Lomakatsi has implemented restoration projects across thousands of acres of forest and miles of stream with federal and state agencies, Tribal Nations, nonprofits, private landowners, and city and county governments.
Belinda Brown serves as Lomakatsi’s Tribal Partnership Director and operates within the framework of Lomakatsi’s Tribal Partnership Program and associated initiatives. Belinda works closely with Lomakatsi’s Executive Director and staff leadership to serve tribal communities in their efforts to restore forests and watersheds on tribal trust and ancestral lands. She serves as a community liaison, engaging with tribal elders, tribal councils, cultural resource monitors and tribal department staff. Belinda also works to establish and promote effective working relationships among the tribal community, Lomakatsi, and federal agency and non-profit partners. Belinda is an enrolled member of the Kosealekte Band of the Ajumawi-Atsuge Nation (Pit River Tribe) and has served as an elected official on the Pit River Tribal Council and Cultural Representative as an appointed delegate at local, state and national levels. She has served Indian Country in intergovernmental affairs coordination, strategic planning, and community development for the last thirty years.
Marko Bey is the Founder and Executive Director of Lomakatsi Restoration Project. Lomakatsi’s ten regional ecosystem restoration programs and associated workforce development initiatives are a primary result of his work. Lomakatsi has a proven record of success serving rural forest-based communities throughout Oregon and Northern California through supporting local jobs, community business infrastructure development, and restoration implementation across thousands of acres of forests and miles of streams. Marko has over 34 years of experience working in forestry and ecosystem restoration from the ground up, working across six western states. His leadership has been essential in orchestrating the formation of collaborative partnerships, including with federal and state agencies, Native American tribes, non-profit organizations, industry, private landowners, and community members. Marko also serves as the President & CEO of Lomakatsi Ecological Services Inc., a full-service wildland firefighting and prescribed fire contracting outfit, and serves as the Board President of the Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative and as a board member of After the Fire. Marko participates in a variety of strategic coalitions and committees—working regionally and nationally to advance the full spectrum of ecosystem restoration, job creation, and forest-based community revitalization.
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