Communication is the cornerstone of all the interactions we have. In everything we do, say, or even think, the way in which we do so impacts the world around us. From a simple wave in greeting, to explaining a complex topic, it is always what is relied on to make things work.
But not everyone can communicate so easily. While we do it every day, it can often be the part of the day we struggle with the most. A phrase misheard or a comment that is said the wrong way. Many people have difficulties even waving their hand, saying hello, or expressing their frustration. That’s an issue Chris, Daniel, and Connor from Speak as Yourself have been looking for a solution to help aid others with.
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Join Chris and learn about the struggles that affect millions every day, and the ways we can work together to help them. Together we can help the world become a better place, if even only just a little.
Chris Boutin has been a graphic designer and illustrator professionally for more than 15 years and loves to share their work whenever possible. Born and raised in Medford, and partly growing up in Ashland with their dad part time, Chris has seen a lot of different styles of communication forms just from home.
Growing up as the oldest of seven, not only has Chris experienced communication challenges like difficulty reading people, but some of their siblings also experience a variety of challenges as well.
One of Chris’ lesser-known passions is clothing design. Wanting to do something more, he banded together with his friends Daniel and Connor to create “Speak As Yourself!” or “SAY!” for short, to bring one of his illustrations of a communication hoodie to life. Chris’s primary mission with SAY! is to provide communication tools that are accessible for kids and adults so everyone can speak as themselves.
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