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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Tuesday, June 1, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Dede Farrell- Click for more information
Lecture: Sound Therapy
by Dede Farrell

All Tueday evening events at

Presentation Description:

Double your energy and eradicate stress in 90 days with Sound Therapy. Dr. Alfred Tomatis, the renown French doctor's most important discovery is that high frequency sounds stimulate the brain. We rarely hear high-frequency sounds however. They are found a lot in nature, like birdsong and sounds of moving water and wind. Unfortunately we are bombarded constantly with the types of sounds that send high stress signals to the brain instead of the gentle stimulation that helps the brain to function better. The brain has 12 cranial nerves running to the brain stem and on to the body. Ten of these twelve nerves run through the ear and hearing functions! We are literally "all ears".

Low frequency noise is the major cause of brain drain and this brainstem fatigue is a major cause of tiredness, depression, learning disabilities, behavior problems, and memory dysfunctions. We are bombarded daily with noise by machines, traffic, computers, leaf blowers, construction sounds, even our own humming refrigerators, televisions and telephones are constant.

Sound Therapy utilizes new understandings about the brain by stimulating the ear and nervous system using alternating sounds of high and low tones. When plugging into Sound Therapy it is just like a battery charger, charging the brain up with high frequency sounds while soothing and calming the entire nervous system.

Using special filtered Classical music, Sound Therapy "Takes Your Ears To The Gym" by exercising the delicate bones and muscles of the air filled middle ear. This is the most important treatment for Tinnitus, Hearing loss, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Behavior problems, Autism, Down's syndrome, Ear Infections/sinus, Depression, Insomnia, and Speech problems including Stuttering.

Opening up the high frequency pathways to the brain, returns high frequencies to the voice and singers are amazed in the improvement of their voices. Stroke, coma and brain damage people all improve and the benefit to those with Alzheimer's can be profound. We even have been able to curb Epileptic seizures and Meniere's syndrome by effecting the semi-circular canals in the inner ear that control our balance. Combining, Medicine , Music and Psychology, the lists of benefits is long and impressive when using Sound Therapy.

Presenter's Biography:

I am fortunate in my lifetime to have spent most of my 56 years focused on the larger picture. This gift has manifested in my studies of all things spiritual, our great Mother Earth and the phenomenal nature of human beings living within a physical vehicle.

These areas have lead me to all manner of involvement within the healing arts, including herbal studies, energy medicines, nutrition, music, gardening, etc. I've run my own health products companies and have marketed numerous products and systems. I have taught in many areas of interest to me and others. I am a networker by nature. I also am an ordained metaphysically based Reverend, doing weddings and mentoring with my own charter group known as The Garden of Light. My focus is on the amazing shifts we are all making as we role into a new way of living and learning to be the astounding unlimited beings we are.

I've worked in national as well as international arenas in a professional and grassroots fashion using my communication skills and resources for the greater family of man. I honor and cherish people from all walks of life. Whether it's being an angel, healer, TV interviewer, researcher or business person, my favorite roles are mother, Grandmother and friend to many who I'm proud to say I know. I'm at present marketing two incredible products, Sound Therapy from Sound Therapy International and Mangosteen, the Queen of Fruits from Xango.

For more information, e-mail starlady144@qwest.net or call (503) 288 5846

Website: http://www.soundtherapyoregon.com

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