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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Saturday, June 26, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Time: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Jerry Rosser and Celeste Wolf-Chan
Workshop: Awakening the Mind- Brainwaves,
Consciousness & Psychotherapy

A One-Day Workshop Integrating the Disciplines of Neurofeedback,
Guided Imagery & Meditation

With Jerry Rosser, MS, MFT and Celeste Wolf-Chan MA, MFT

Counselors and Social Workers earn 6 Continuing Education Units for attending.
(Oregon and California)

FEE: $80 (if receiving CEU's the fee will be $90) Pre-Registration Suggested.

Workshop Overview:

Meditation is an ancient discipline, but scientists have only recently developed tools sophisticated enough to see what goes on in your brain when you meditate.

Using a Spectral Analysis EEG monitor (electroencephalography), we will explore the beta, alpha, theta and delta brainwave categories and their relationship to states of consciousness. The subtle and individualized combination of these brainwave patterns can be identified and trained for enhanced states of self-mastery and creativity.

You will receive a brainwave profile of your own meditative state along with practices you can continue for yourself and your clients for optimum brainwave and consciousness development.

"...after training in meditation for eight weeks, subjects showed a pronounced change in brain wave patterns, shifting from the alpha waves of aroused, conscious thought to the theta waves that dominate the brain during deep relaxation." Time Magazine, August 4, 2003

Workshop Objectives:

This will be a theoretical and experiential training where you will enhance your ability to:

1. Understand and experience the four categories of brainwave patterns and the effects of meditation on each of these patterns

2. Decrease your physiological arousal by deep relaxation

3. Have an experiential understanding of the six levels of subjective consciousness

4. Increase the vividness of your visual and sensual imagery

5. Access resources from your subconscious and unconscious mind for greater creativity and solving emotional problems

Course Content & Schedule:

9:30 am Registration and CE check-in
10:00 am Introduction to Neuro-biofeedback and brainwave theory and states of consciousness
10:45 am Guided Meditation to increase relaxation and reduce beta brainwaves
12:00 pm Accessing theta brainwaves the dream state of consciousness
1:00 pm One hour break for lunch
2:00 pm Accessing alpha brainwaves the link to the subconscious mind
4:00 pm Integration of brain wave states with beta added back for Awakened Mind
6:00 pm Adjourn

We will explore a particular relationship pattern of brain waves called the Awakened Mind State in which--as stated by Anna Wise-- "the mind is clearer, sharper, quicker, and more flexible than ordinary states. Thinking feels fluid rather than rigid. Emotions become more available and understandable, easier to work with and transform. Information flows more easily between the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels. Intuition, insight, and empathy increase and become more integrated into normal consciousness."

About The Presenters:

Jerry Rosser, MFT has been practicing and teaching counseling for 20 years specializing in working with children and families. He is currently a case manager and telephonic crisis counselor for Health Net and has a private psychotherapy practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has researched the effects of music on the human energy system and produced the multimedia program The Esoteric Nature of Music. He has conducted clinical trainings on Mandala Art Therapy and taught Psychosynthesis at Omega Institute in Rhinebech New York.

Celeste Chan-Wolfe is a graduate of Antioch University and UC Davis. She has been a licensed, practicing Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor for the past ten years. In addition to her private practice, she is also a licensed Spiritual Practitioner and Class Facilitator at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. Her focus as a teacher and a psychotherapist is to provide new modalities uniting technological, spiritual, and psychological techniques for personal growth, insight and revelation.

Celeste and Jerry are both certified Awakened Mind Training using full spectrum EEG monitoring by the Anna Wise Center in Larkspur, California.

TO REGISTER: Please call (541) 535-3525.

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