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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Thursday, June 16, 2005

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Grandmother Drum- Click for more information

Grandmother Drum Ignites a Heart Revolution


White Eagle Medicine Woman is the Drum Keeper of the 7 foot Grandmother Drum, the largest drum of its kind in the world. The evening talk is called "GrandMother Drum Ignites A Heart Revolution" and will include a slide show and heart sharing on the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project's World Tour. Cost is $10.

For more information on this event, contact Larry Morningstar mana7@spymac.com (541) 482-0573 For more information on GrandMother Drum and the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project, go to: http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com

On Monday, June 20th, there will be Individual Healing Sessions with the Sacred Circle of the GrandMothers in Ashland. Drum Keeper and shaman, White Eagle Medicine Woman gives personal healings and channeled wisdom from the GrandMothers. Sessions are 1 1/2 hours for $150-.To schedule a session, contact Larry Morningstar mana7@spymac.com (541) 482-0573

For more information on White Eagle Medicine Woman, GrandMother Drum, and the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project, go to: http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com

The GrandMother Drum International Peace Project is currently touring the Western portion of Turtle Island (aka: United States) from Alaska. The largest drum of its kind in the world, the seven foot diameter, crystal inlaid GrandMother Drum is traveling on its third world tour as the symbol of the Universal Heart of all nations and all races.

The Vision of the GrandMother Drum Project-

The GrandMother Drum, a seven foot diameter, kettle shaped drum was born at 4:00 am on June 5, 2001, after 13 years of prayer, ceremony and physical labor by the Alaskan community. The Whirling Rainbow Center received the vision of the GrandMother Drum from indigenous GrandMothers as the first international, multicultural, interactive "world drum" dedicated to promoting Unity, Peace, and Life, healing the separation between all Earth's children.

According to the GrandMothers, we are in conflict outside because we are in conflict inside. Healing, they say, must happen within ourselves first. World peace can happen only through inner peace, becoming that which we are seeking outside ourselves.

The GrandMother Drum is the centerpiece, the heartbeat of creating multicultural, multimedia performances, workshops, ceremonies and celebrations that honor the unique gifts and spiritual traditions of the diverse cultures of the human family with the theme: The Heartbeat of One Family, One Earth.

The drum is a living, beating symbol from the hearts of Alaskans that we are all one people, that Mother Earth is our one country, that love is stronger than fear and that peace and freedom are the birthrights of all humanity.

How the GrandMother Drum was Made-

GrandMother was born at 4:00 am on June 5, 2001, in a tipi in Chickaloon, Alaska, after thirteen months of prayer, ceremony and physical labor. Ritual artist, healer and visionary, Suraj Holzwarth guided the drum making ceremony along with her assistants and master craftsman, Mark Schoenhard, and countless hands of the Alaskan community.

See our building photo journal on our website at:http://www.whirlingrainbow.com

We honor the Athabascan tribes of Chickaloon, Eklutna, Tyonek, Kenaitze, Nondalton, and Qutekcak. For countless centuries their ancestors have held this land in sacred trust. We thank them for giving us their blessings to create the GrandMother Drum in a good way.

In thanksgiving to the Tree people who have taken care of us for countless centuries, we gave the Cedar and Birch a place of honor. There are over 1300 strips of Alaska Yellow and Red Cedar and Alaska Birch in the kettle shaped base of the GrandMother Drum, representing the womb or sacred feminine (GrandMother) principle. This womb is the sound chamber, holding and anchoring the heartbeat of the GrandMother Drum.

We honored the Four-Legged creatures that have also taken care of us for countless centuries by providing us food, clothing, and shelter. A Buffalo hide is the throat of the GrandMother Drum, sounding and carrying her message to all of creation. The kind of animal skin used in making a sacred drum of this nature determines the kind of energy invoked. The Buffalo carries the medicine of manifesting abundance through right prayer and right action.

Over two hundred clear and rose quartz crystals are imbedded in the kettle shaped drum base. Our Elders teach that the Rock People are the keepers of memory and assist in the healing and activation of body memory. The crystals were imbedded in a pattern known as the Sacred Triple Spiral. This pattern is actually a matrix of the chakras or energy centers of the human energy field. When activated through specific drumming techniques, the crystals in the GrandMother Drum transmit a high frequency healing tone, immersing the human body in a high crystalline environment, raising the potential for a deep healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

The GrandMother Drum's "Ring of Fire" Tour Pledge-

I pledge Mother Earth as my one country
I pledge humanity as my one people
I pledge life as my religion
I pledge love as my prayer
I pledge peace and freedom as my birthright
and the birthright of all humanity
My heart beats one with all my Relations.

Whirling Rainbow Center-


Among the Navaho and Hopi, the Whirling Rainbow was a prophecy and a promise of peace among all Nations and all people through the understanding that all races are one. The vision is the unity of all colors, all creeds working together for the good of the whole. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be realized.


The Whirling Rainbow Center is a healing multi-versity, awakening, honoring, and celebrating the sacred mysteries and teachings of all traditions. The center is a thriving, celebrating, meditating, intentional community with a vision of empowerment of self, family, community, and Mother Earth. We are committed to the power of love and compassion to heal the wounds of all separation. Knowing that in each of our hearts is the yearning to heal and become whole, we are dedicated to manifesting the power of the human spirit through conscious living, stewardship, meditation, creative and healing arts, personal and community wellness, rites of passage, and wilderness experiences.

The GrandMother Drum International Peace Project-


PO Box 110224
Anchorage, Alaska, USA 99515
http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com" Target="_blank">http://www.WhirlingRainbow.com


RVML's MISSION STATEMENT: "Providing easy access to a comprehensive collection of metaphysical, spiritual, and paranormal information that inspires and transforms."

RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. Cost: $15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available. More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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