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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Saturday, June 18, 2005

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Location: SOU Raider Stadium
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Time: 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
World Wellness Weekend- Click for more Information
World Wellness Weekend
SOU Raider Stadium

Bring your friends to visit RVML's booth in the Food Court area!

Website: http://www.worldwellness.org

Message From the Producer:

1970's and I was in college in California, believing that anything was possible.
The Vietnam War ended after years of demonstrations, we had been to the moon and back several times, and the personal computer age was just in its infancy. I remember thinking what a great world it would be when we finally made it into the 21st Century. Our generation, the baby boomer generation, would be in power and the world would be a far more healthier, peaceful, and loving place because of us, the dreamers.

It is now 37 years since those fateful days in 1968. Our nation is once again involved in a war half way around the world with young men and women from our neighborhoods being killed in the name of democracy. We feel far more at risk from terrorism in America now than at anytime in our history. Our civil rights to privacy are being tampered with in the name of protecting America. A clean environment, which is our most basic civil right and which was not a partisan issue in 1972, is now an extraordinary battleground between the left and right. The environmental laws that we so vigorously fought for are being dismantled on the pretense of economic necessity. We live in a nation divided. Most people feel powerless as the corporate landscape is so overwhelming.

It is from this situation that this year's World Wellness Weekend has been created. Last year with keynote speaker, Deepak Chopra, there was an emphasis on personal spirituality and growth. As we continue this personal growth and evolution of spirit, we now must take the opportunity to bring forward into our community the changes that we wish to implement. We have the power to make our communities in ways we all want them to be-with a healthy, clean environment, with the gright to live, love, and worship as we please, giving our children the best education possible, having food that is healthy to eat, and being able to choose what kind of healthcare we want. These are our undeniable rights. This is what "wellness" means to me.

With that we welcome two men who have followed in their father's footsteps in public service-Robert Kennedy Jr., as a champion for a clean environment and Martin Luther King III, continuing the work for civil rights for all people. We also welcome the hundreds of other exhibitors and speakers who have come to share their knowledge and expertise to help us as individuals and as a community to be happier, healthier, and empowered for positive change. Let's take this opportunity to take control of what we can control-our personal lives within our communities and therefore, our communities themselves.

When the people lead, the leaders will follow. I have a dream that we as a nation will rise up and come together to embrace the challenges that face us today and that on Father's Day 37 years from now my son and his family and friends will not be facing the these same challenges-that the world will be a happier, healthier, peaceful, and more loving place. But it is up to us to begin again,
right here and right now. Welcome.

-Jud Schwartz

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