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Monday, December 5, 2005
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Monday, December 5, 2005

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Monday, December 5, 2005
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ann Fuller
"Spiritual Healing Class" Informational Evening
Presented by Ann Fuller

Free admission

See also: January 3, 2006 Lecture: An Introduction to Shamanism by Ann Fuller http://www.rvml.org/calendar/wc01032006.htm

Presentation Description:

Faith and Trust in the Divine are the foundations of Spiritual Healing. With these core ingredients in place, miracles can and do occur.

As Spiritual/Human Beings, our conscious evolution depends upon the healing and awakening of our souls. We must all come into present time. Resolving old wounds, beliefs, vows, etc. - the "heavy energy" that collects within the soul and predisposes us to physical, emotional and energetic illness - allows us to remember who we really are and why we are here.

When we are living in present time, our souls radiate "refined energy." We are healthy, feel more alive, and are better able to be of service to our families and communities.

If you are an aspiring healer or are interested in healing, join Ann for this 2-hour presentation about her upcoming Spiritual Healing Class.

Ann will discuss:

*How the class evolved in 1995
*The foundations of Spiritual Healing
*The soul and its relationship to the human energy field
*The nature of illness
*The importance of being grounded
*Working with spiritual guidance

Ann will answer questions about the class, its content and its format. She will be joined by former students who will share some of their experiences, as well as how the teachings have enhanced their lives.

Dates for the 2006 Spiritual Healing Class are January 24 - June 27. Location: TBA

This exciting, constantly evolving class is offered once a year and is open to all people who want to awaken their innate healing abilities. As each student participates as both healer and client, new concepts are easily assimilated. This experiential way of learning allows us to maintain personal integrity, as well as grow our Faith and Trust.

Presenter's Biography:

Since 1982 when she began her homebirth midwifery practice, to her first shamanic journey ten years later, Ann Fuller, Hands-on and Shamanic Healer/Teacher, has been helping people heal. She walks a path of Faith and Trust and believes miracles are possible in every moment. In 1996, Ann underwent an Andean initiation ritual and became recognized as a fourth level "paqo" or priest in the Andean mystical tradition by Juan Nunez del Prado, internationally known anthropologist, Andean priest and mystic. Her conscious near-death experience in 1997 fully solidified her feet on the shamanic path.

Today Ann assists people of all ages, from pre-birth to post-death, who experience discomfort on any level. This includes: physical and mental illness, emotional suffering, post-traumatic stress, addiction, spiritual dilemma, spiritual awakening, and more. Her work with young people is especially powerful. She is the intercessor of a week long "healing quest" ceremony every summer, and leads groups on spiritual pilgrimages to countries including Tibet, Peru and Mexico. Ann is president of "Pillar of Light" an organization dedicated to healing and awakening the Human Soul and the restoration of Faith in the Divine. She lives in Ashland, Oregon, travels upon request, and shares her unique medicine and perspective in private sessions, classes, workshops, ceremonies, and community outreach.

Private Healings:

Each healing session is a ceremony and lasts about 2.5 hours. Participants are encouraged to bring a friend or family member to support and witness their healing, as shamanism is a lifestyle of interconnectedness and community. It is recommended to have an open schedule after the ceremony. This both enhances and respects the post-healing experience and allows each client time and space to become acclimated to their newly refined energy field/soul.

The Light of Love is All.

More information: 541-482-2235 e-mail: pillaroflight@care2.com


RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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