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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Richard Allen Miller- Click for more information
Lecture: "It's All In Your Mind!"- The Scientific Study of Extra-Sensory Perception
By Richard Alan Miller

$5.00 - 20.00 Suggested donation, everyone welcome, no one turned away

Presentation Description:

Do some people actually have these powers called ESP? Can some 'read' the minds of others, or see into the future, or move objects without touching them? The answer, without any doubt, is yes. Scientific experiments have proven that ESP is a fact. But scientists have not yet explained how ESP works - or why it works.

The study of Extra Sensory Perception has nothing whatsoever to do with any religious or spiritual movement. It is, in the strictest sense, a totally new aspect of science. It is a way of cataloging events and knowledge beyond the realm of chance and the probable.

In contrast to normal sensory perception, ESP has some strange features. Its observed occurrences indicate that its behavior is independent of the physical variables of the situation. It can operate over extremely long distances, through opaque screens, and (what is most puzzling) also across time.

Few people have ESP power all of the time. However, a large number of us have 'flashes' of ESP. Some call it second sight - or intuition. But the scientific phrase for this is Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP. Children have greater ability with ESP than adults. Why? Probably because they have fewer inhibitions. Nobody, however, knows the real answers.

Presenter's Biography:

Author & researcher Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Taking a step behind the scenes of "black ops" research is for most of us limited to speculations. Miller began working in that "X-Files" world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. An original team-member, "man-in-black," Miller's research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 10 years with Army Intel/Pentagon.

During this period numerous foundational papers, including "A Holographic Concept of Reality" and "Embryonic Holography" were written. Richard Alan Miller's most recent work, "Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars" discusses how some of his earlier work contributed to new "mind altering" technologies and their current applications.

His most recent works at Nexus Conferences in Brisbane, 2004 and Amsterdam, 2005 was titled "The Non-Local Mind In A Holographic Universe." He also has semi-technical papers to be presented in Anaheim at The World Nutra Conference in October, 2005. Title: "Lab-Grown Cordyceps sinsensis Hybrid: A Nano-Processed Medicinal Mushroom that Really Delivers."

Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles integrate his scientific research with time-honored metaphysical concepts, leading to such works as The Modern Alchemist; A Guide to Personal Transformation and The Diamond Body, a Synergetic Approach to Mysticism.

Website: http://www.nwbotanicals.org

TUESDAY LECTURE SERIES FORMAT: 90-120-minute lecture presentation including break and Q&A period. All events conclude promptly at 9pm.

All Tuesday night lecture presentations are recorded. VHS videotapes and audio cassettes of the presentations are available immediately following the presentation for check-out or purchase.

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RVML's VISION STATEMENT: "Our ability to discern truth is enhanced by exposure to a broader perspective on the human experience. By integrating new truths into our awareness, the expansion of knowledge in the collective mind advances the evolution of human consciousness."

RENT RVML's PRESENTATION FACILITIES: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available.

Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, presentations, video screenings or other events. $15.00 per hour. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available.

More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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