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Sunday, March 14, 2004
Daylight Savings Time Begins
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Sunday, March 14, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Naomi Marie- Click for more information
Workshop: Cellular Activation
With Naomi Marie


Note: These will be offered in the upstairs room...please use the stairs around the side of the building.

I am offering this gift on a donation basis.

Please be prompt...the activation will require 1-1 1/2 hours. It involves about a half hour of explanation, some time for questions and about a half hour of a guided affirmation process.

It is simple, appropriate to what ever place you are in on your journey and very empowering. It is fun to use this tool to improve your quality of life.Many people have reported using this and improving the quality of their lives. It becomes your personal tool.

I have included a further explanation below.

Please RSVP by email: NaomiMarie@ashlandoregon.org or 541-201-7644...if you don't RSVP you are still come join us.

SEE ALSO: Mar. 8, 2004 http://www.rvml.org/calendar/wc03082004.htm

Workshop Description:

The premise of this experience is that, inside of each cell of your body is the innate wisdom, perfection and power of the universe. By re-educating each individual cell of your body to be stronger, healthier, and more connected to its source you are empowered in the work you are doing consciously. You are strengthening from the inside out, and your evolution is supported with more ease than in the past.

Our past often had us using our minds to sort things out or to drive our whole vehicle; some of us used our hearts to radiate all of our connection. Thus, limiting the ability of our whole self to become involved in the process of evolution, personal growth and happiness. Basically, in the past, we left out important pieces of who we are; thus, many of us have results in our healing and evolution that seemed slower and more frustrating than necessary. We still had the old programs in our bones too. Now it is time to use the wisdom and knowledge we have gained to give ourselves much more ease and in updating the coding in our bones and tissues. The bones and tissue send out our old messages even while the mind is sending out the new message…this could this be why we are having mixed results in our creation. Also remember, that the messages in our bones and tissues are often sent to us subconsciously by our family, TV and environment. Doing this exercise is an important part of claiming dominion over our
bodies and lives.

Each cell of our body is a generation of its parents, just as we are. If the parents of the cells that now live in our bodies had old information (just like many of our families of origin), this can slow down the process of healing, growth, change and evolution.

Each cell of your body has the complete program and record of your connection to source. Your cells are intelligent beyond our current education. Each cell can regenerate, has the code of every cell of your body available to it, has its own motor, has the perfect blueprint of source, and your ability to live in the image and likeness of the creator. Having this knowledge will give you one more powerful tool to use in the process of empowering yourself and connecting deeply with source.

How this exercise changes you is that it gives you conscious co-creation with your cells and authority over the programs that your cells operate in your life.

It is a process. The more you take 1-5 minutes a few times a day to change yourself at a cellular level, the more effective this process will be in your life. The purpose of the activation is to create a powerful message and reprogram your cells to be aligned with your conscious choices. My facilitation in intended to help you and initiate you into the process. You may include yourself in as many calls as you desire. The additional support of the activation will just keep strengthening the process inside of your body. You can create a support system with others who are also involved with their personal evolution.

Blessings In the Love and light,

Naomi Marie
541-201-7644 office

Website: http://www.naomimarie.com

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Lecture: The Art of Self-Healing
by Michael King

Free Admission


An introduction to a comprehensive inner-healing technique that restores and rejuvenates the whole body, mind/emotions & spirit, healing the issues of our lives at the level of Original Cause. The Art of Self-Healing utilizes a simple, yet powerful approach that anyone can apply day or night, while working, playing, walking, even conversing with a friend. Come with a strong intent to heal some area of your life and noticeable results can be realized during this seminar!

Presenter's Biography:

Michael King is the originator of Heart Balance Nutritional Products and author of "Soul Resonance - Moving Freely Into Your Most Joyful and Fulfilling Expression of Self", The Gathering of the Peacemakers and The Art of Self-Healing Seminars. He has spent the last 30 years in quest for the most direct, comprehensive healing approaches available to remedy his own physical, mental/emotional and spiritual challenges brought on from a combination of heritage, poor diet, and medical treatment. With an attitude that simply wouldn't settle for less than a 100% solution, coupled with a strong intent to heal, unique and powerfully effective approaches to rejuvenate both the inner and the outer being were magnetically drawn to him. His life path and joy is to share this wisdom!

This talk also includes valuable knowledge about herbal Whole Body Rejuvenation Formulas which synergistically combine some of the world's finest herbal adaptogens, tonics, & rejuvenatives. Enjoy the best of health in all areas of your life!

Note: Michael King will also present this lecture on Tue. June 29, 2004 at RVML

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