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Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Ashland Spiritual Cinema Community: Filmmakers Forum
With Jon Bono & Merrill Ward

Meets every fourth Wednesday of the month 7:30-9:30 at RVML.

Admission: Contributions appriciated

The Ashland Spiritual Cinema Community (ASCC) is a collective of filmmakers and movie enthusiasts in the Southern Oregon region, who, in association with Hollywood producer and filmmaker Stephen Simon (What Dreams May Come, Somewhere In Time, Indigo) and in support of his vision, come together to celebrate, recognize, honor and promote the specific genre of Spiritual Cinema and to participate in the active development, presentation and discussion of this aspect of filmmaking and to further explore the positive effects this kind of cinema can generate in our lives and in the world around us.

The ASCC Filmmakers Forum:

Join us for a lively and engaging evening of dialog, discussion and co-creation of this exciting aspect of the Ashland Spiritual Cinema Community (ASCC).

These gatherings of the "Production & Filmmaking" stream of the ASCC, are aimed at co-creating an active and open dialog between entertainment media professionals in the region and other Community members in raising and discussing the possibilities for enhanced Spiritual Entertainment based production in the Ashland and Greater Rogue Valley area.

The ASCC Filmmakers Forum is targeted toward local area producers, directors, financiers, writers, actors, cinematographers, editors, videographers, musicians, production personnel, and other artists, technicians and professionals working in entertainment media or related fields in order to begin to pool our resources and establish directions and goals for this integral stream of the ASCC for the near future and the long term. Please feel free to invite any industry professionals who you feel would be interested in attending.

For our purposes "Spiritual Cinema & Entertainment" is defined as that :

"...which illuminates the landscape of our evolution as a humanity and stirs us to remember who we can be when we reach beyond the seen into a realm where we engage the magical aspects of our human potential & which includes theatrical motion pictures, television programs, documentaries, books, educational, training and special interest programming that is focused upon the re-discovery of inner wisdom and divine power..."

It is entertainment that asks the intriguing age old questions, "Who are we ? Why are we here ? And where are we going ?"

Meeting Format:

7:15 - 7:30pm: Arrival
7:30 - 9:15pm: Moderated Forum Discussion
9:15 - 9:30pm - Socializing and Networking Opportunities

Coffee and tea will be provided.

The ASCC Filmmakers Forum is held the fourth Wednesday of every month. These gatherings are for local entertainment, media industry and related professionals, members of the ASCC and interested guests. Those interested in attending are invited to contact us to learn more. To become a member or for more information about this specific event please contact the ASCC Filmmakers Forum Moderator, Merrill Ward at: merrill@stoneofthewise.com or Professor Jon Bono at: jonbono@charter.net .

Note: Videotapes of Stephen Simon's Ashland lecture at SOU on 10/3/03 are available at RVML or at our Mystical Movie Night gatherings. Contributions for attendance at events are graciously accepted and go directly to supporting our efforts.

Please visit Stephen Simon's website at: http://movingmessagesmedia.com

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