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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Tuesday, April 13, 2004

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Event Title: RVML's "Members Only Book Vault"
Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
In addition to our regular collection in the library downstairs, RVML has thousands more books, videos and audiocassettes that we keep upstairs in our "Book Vault", and most items are available for members to check-out.

Important Notes: 1) As an incentive to join RVML, The Book Vault is open to library members only. 2) Most of the items in the Book Vault are not included in our searchable database. 3) The Book Vault is located upstairs in Suite 6 (directly above the library).

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Healing the Morphogenetic Field of the Family Soul
-The Work of Bert Hellinger
By Emily Waymire

All Tuesday evening events
at RVML are free admission.

Presentation Description:

Video Presentation with Q&A and Visualization

Find out how immediate healing for any issue can be brought about by accessing the Morphogenetic Field through the Movements of The Soul.

Venturing beyond even alternative forms of therapy the renowned German Psychotherapist and spiritual teacher Bert Hellinger discovered some essential facts about social systems. He found that he could take a person who has no information about the client and have them stand in as a representative of a member in the client's family. This representative responds directly to what physicists call the morphogenetic field. A morphic field is that same field that organizes all social structures, as when a flock of birds all lift off at once in the same direction. As morphic resonance sets in the representatives are able to report symptoms, beliefs, feelings of exclusion from their family, loyalties and desired resolutions, all with an uncanny accuracy. The result being a clear window into the underlying dynamic within the Soul Field of the family.

What is shown can be surprising to the client. A cherished belief about circumstances or how abuse occurred or who the hero was in the family may quickly be seen to be an illusion. Indeed an entire identity based on these constructed memories may be released. With the result being relief, deep acceptance and resolutions that may have been sought after for years.

Having evolved out of the traditional "family constellation" format, this phenomenological approach is now being used to heal issues in organizations and broader contexts such as illness, death and social violence.

Presenter's Biography:

Beginning as a Fine Artist and educator Emily created state funded substance abuse prevention programs for New York City homeless shelters using Art Therapy. Realizing she had a gift for sensing subtle energies, she began training with leaders in the Transpersonal and Energy Medicine communities including 5 years formalized study with Dr. Michael Mamas, Dr. Pat Hamilton (The Northwest School for Healing), Rev. Shelby Hammitt, Carolyn Myss and Barbara Brennan.

She spent another three years in personalized apprenticeship programs and studying Transpersonal Hypnotherapy with The Alchemy Institute. In 1997 as administrator for The Heartspring Center (Seattle) and creator of The Heartspring Assistantship Program, she mentored a team of newly trained hypnotherapists. During that time she taught conflict resolution through Peace Between People in the Washington State Prison system.

After traveling twice to Brazil to meet with John of God, she received the ability to access the dimension of the Ancestral Soul. Certified to facilitate Family Constellation Therapy through The Hellinger Institute of California and ZIST (Germany) she currently travels internationally facilitating Movements Of The Soul workshops in which she combines her experience with Energy Medicine, Masculine/Feminine Polarity and the Ancestral Soul. From her 10 years of experience with Re-evaluation Co-counseling and diverse populations she brings a unique sociological understanding to her client's issues. Emily has a private practice in Ashland.

Website: http://www.MovementsOfTheSoul.org

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