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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Tuesday, June 22, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Dick Blackstone- Click for more information
Lecture: Nuts & Bolts Spirituality
By Dick Blackstone

All Tuesday evening events at

Presentation Description:

This talk is based on my book, 'Nuts & Bolts Spirituality'. It is designed to allow people to awaken from the life of a sleepwalker and be aware of the authentic power that they possess. The overriding goal is to understand the true nature of how things work. By understanding the true nature of how things work we can align with that understanding and create in our lives those elusive ideals such as inner peace and peace on earth.

The first portion of the talk answers the questions "Why was the universe created in the first place", and "What is our purpose in that creation?" When we can answer these questions we can begin to see the bigger picture of life and from that understanding we can see our own lives with more clarity and awareness. Unless you don't. You will come to understand that everything is a matter of choice. This basic understanding of 'the true nature of how things work' and how we, as human beings, fit into that process allows us to examine our basic belief systems and how they have influenced every facet of our lives as both individuals and as societies. From this understanding we will be able to see if we have been served by our beliefs.

The second portion of the talk deals with our ability to create the life of our intentions and desires. The core concepts concerning the true nature of how things work lead us to the understanding that we are not here to discover life as it unfolds, but that we are here to create the life that comes from the passion within us. The creative process is explained in understandable terms and allows each of us to clearly see how we can stop living lives of quiet desperation and begin to live lives of active manifestation.

Presenter's Biography:

Richard D. Blackstone is a former sleepwalker who began to walk the spiritual path after seeing a PBS fundraiser about twenty years ago featuring a spiritual master named Deepak Chopra. Deepak was talking about a book of his called "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success". This book lead Richard to awaken from the life of a sleepwalker and begin to live his life more consciously. He credits the book "Conversations with God, Book One", by Neale Donald Walsch, as the catalyst that set him on an active journey to 'create his life consciously' by using the creative powers that were revealed to him through his studies of these masters and many more.

Richard is currently living out his passion to 'be' a messenger of spirit by writing and speaking on spiritual matters. He gives talks based on his current book, "Nuts & Bolts Spirituality" throughout the country and has just completed his second spiritually based book that is in the editing and pre-production process.

Website: http://www.nutsandboltsspirituality.com

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