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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Wednesday, June 23, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center -Suite 6 UPSTAIRS
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Agnihotra Ishaya and Althea Ishaya- Click for more information
Lecture: Ishayas' Ascension
An introductory lecture

By Althea & Agnihotra Ishaya

Free Admission

RVML Event Center: Second Floor, Suite 6

Presentation Description:

Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion. All of these are Ascending emotions, and when correctly utilized will lead to a direct experience of the Infinite. Such wonderful words alluding to the most powerful of Experiences known to humanity, yet there are no words, colorful expressions, nor descriptions that can accurately convey the Experience of the Absolute. No amount of intellectual understanding on the nature of reality is worth even the slightest moment of attention when compared with actually tasting reality for yourself. One drop of Experience is worth an ocean of analysis. One moment of Eternity is worth a Universe of Time.

Ascension is a simple process of turning the mind inward. Ascending eyes open or eyes closed easily allows the mind to come to rest, so that life can be lived much more effectively. Unlike most meditation techniques, there is no controlling or concentration of the mind. Ascension is a tool that unites the abundance of spiritual knowledge with the direct personal experience of living in your day-to-day world.

Presenter's Biographies:

Hi, my name is Althea Ishaya. I remember reading books about enlightenment, experiencing the divine, experiencing no boundaries or limitations. The one question that arose from these books was how. How do I experience what they describe? How do I experience enlightenment? I knew all about it, but that was never enough. With Ascension I am able to experience what they describe in the books and live it as my life. No longer has it become an idea, a wish, a dream, rather it is more and more every day becoming a reality. Ascension has completely transformed my life from the inside out.

Personal Bio: Agnihotra Ishaya

Hello, my name is Agnihotra Ishaya and I will be giving the introductory lecture on the 23rd of June. I've been practicing this teaching for about 1 year. How I've come to be where I'm at now as a teacher of this ancient art is a short but interesting story, in my opinion of course. Hehe. A little over a year ago I was in the vacuum sales business. I had always thought in life up until that time that money and material comforts would provide me with the contentment and freedom I was looking for.

When I was younger, watching my parents and their financial and emotional struggles disenchanted me with the conventional way of doing things. So throughout my teen and early adult life I was always looking for that something that would bring lasting fulfillment and true joy. From business ventures that failed, sex, drugs, alcohol, material possessions, and other forms of superficial happiness, the contentment and peace I was looking for was nowhere to be found.

As soon as one material or financial goal was reached there was the next one that promised to be the "one" that would change things or give me what I thought I wanted. For each time that I fed personal addictions hoping to fill the emptiness inside I would only walk away more bound to them.

The cycle seemed to perpetuate itself endlessly and my attachment to these things only increased the longing for something True until finally something had to give. I wanted that ONE thing! Where was it? What was it?

Well about a year ago now a surprising set of events lasting 3 months took place that radically altered the course of my life. In the end I found myself taking vows to become an Ishaya and dedicating my life to the expansion of consciousness.

This is what happened: I was fed up with temporary highs only to come down once again and face reality. So I quit my job as well as drugs and constant partying and began to read everything I could get my hands on about spirituality, religion, consciousness, metaphysics, shamanism, astrology, witchcraft, meditation, and Enlightenment.

All the while one after the other, synchronistic or as some would say coincidental happenings started taking place. Meeting one person here would lead me there, or what this book said would fit with that book, déjà vu, dreams would mirror past and future events, my praying would lead to a desires fulfillment almost instantaneously etc. On an emotional level my heart was opening to a Love I had never known.
Forgiveness, Unconditional Love, and Compassion started to actually become more than words to me but actual experiences. Touching upon a place inside of myself that I had always ignored I found myself crying and praying to God to reveal the Truth of who I was and why I was here.

Have you ever asked that question? Who am I? Why am I here on earth? I had asked these questions throughout my life but never with the intensity and vehemence that I was asking now. I wanted to know the Truth more than any other thing in my life. This wholehearted desire eventually lead me to where I am today. The rest is history.

More Information: 888-474-2921

Website: http://www.theishayatradition.org

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