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Monday, August 23, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Monday, August 23, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Monday, August 23, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Click for more information
Auroville International Community in Southern India
By Soleil Lithman

Suggested donation: $5.00

Presentation Description:

A panel of four presenters, each with decades of involvement with the community
of Auroville, will present the ideals and realities of building true human unity through profound diversity.The first hour will be devoted an integral overview of the township through a DVD and slide show presentation. The second hour will be a discussion and question and answer period for the audience with a particular emphasis on how lessons, challenges, and accomplishments of Auroville are relevant to our Ashland/ Rogue Valley community, and the USA in general, at this moment with all of our present political power struggles.

Auroville, in South India, was inagurated on Feb.28, 1968 with youth from 121 nations placing a handful of earth from their home countries in a lotus shaped urn in the center of the proposed city. Over the last 36 years Auroville has become an extrodinary model for environmental regeneration, building with appropriate and sustainable materials, developement of small scale handicrafts and industry for itself and for the many surronding villages, providing alliopathic and a wide range of healing therapies again for its own members and for the surronding local peoples, developing multiple educational approaches, and being a bold experiment in self government while still interfacing with the Indian government.

Based on a Vision of The Mother and spiritual inspiration of Sri Aurobindo, the foundation of Auroville is grounded in each individual's aspiration to discover and live from their authentic self in a progressively more conscious union with the Divine.
However how each person cultivates their spiritual awareness is left to the individual's discretion. There are no set disciplines, yet many structured activites such as various yoga classes and meditations are available.


Nilauro Markus- Born and raised in Auroville; presently the office manager for Auroville International USA, in Santa Cruz, CA.

Wolfgang Schmidt-Reinecke- Executive Director of Auroville International, visiting from Berlin, Germany.

Alan "Sasha" Lithman (Savitra)- Former resident and project innovator for 21 years in Auroville, current Ashland resident & author.

Soleil Lithman- Multiple visits and project involvement with Auroville since 1971, Ashland resident counselor/energy healer.

Website: http://www.auroville.org

More Information: Soleil Lithman (541) 482-7223 e-mail: soleilma@earthlink.net

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