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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Saturday, July 16, 2005

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Workshop: What is Diksha?
With Diane Kelly and Richard Tunkel

Cost: $50 - $70 sliding scale

Workshop Description:

WHAT IS DIKSHA? You are invited to receive diksha, the transmission of enlightenment energy that activates the flow of divine grace. It is an intelligent flow of cosmic energy that restructures the physical brain, balancing the activity of the two hemispheres, and leads to the flowering of the heart. This in turn creates a shift in perception where the sense of a separate self is realized to be an illusion, and you realize your oneness with all creation, with God.

We have been taught to see enlightenment as the ultimate goal of our spiritual journey. It is a mythical, almost unattainable state of cosmic consciousness that can only happen after enormous struggle, lifetimes of spiritual practice, and much discipline and self-sacrifice. All this is no longer necessary, indeed it never was.

There is an avatar in India known as Kalki Bhagavan who is demonstrating that enlightenment is not something to be achieved through lifetimes of effort, rather it is a shift in perception that can be permanently and irreversibly activated through a neuro-biological shift in our brains. It is a biological rather than a spiritual event, and can be experienced by anybody. Indeed, he maintains that Earth's golden age has now begun, and that everyone on Earth is destined to become enlightened by the year 2012 AD.

The process is initiated through what is known as the 'diksha', when someone who has received and integrated this energy and then been trained to transmit it, places their hands on your head, and activates the seed of divine intelligence in your crown chakra.

Presenters' Biographies:

Diane Kelly is a healer and teacher who lives in Mill Valley, CA. She has three children. Her warmth, love and kindness is evident the moment you meet her. She holds the energy of the mother and the goddess. The comments about her own personal practice are many and with high praise. We are all excited to have her here in Ashland and Eugene.

For over thirty years, Richard Tunkel had been pursuing what was for him that elusive goal of spiritual practice, enlightenment. He had been involved with numerous and varied practices, including Zen/Chan Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, Taijiquan, Dzogchen in the Nyingmapa tradition, and Taoism. While living in Queens, New York, he gained introduction into Bhagavan's Dharma through an unexpected resource. He had been looking at crystals on eBay and came across a Satyaloka quartz. In reading the description of the item, Richard became aware of Bhagavan and eventually his mission in India and for the world. This led to his involvement in the Movement.

Not long after participating in retreats in the USA, he went to India for a Teacher Training Program. Then in January 2004, he attended the first 21 Day Process for westerners, receiving numerous Dikshas from the Dasajis, and subsequently the Diksha enabling him to transmit Bhagavan's energy to others. He was so inspired that he left his full-time employment in health care in order to have more time to work for the Dharma. He last visited India and the Golden City earlier this year, receiving additional Dikshas and teachings. He continues to be involved in what is now called the Oneness Movement, helping give workshops and Dikshas. He no longer searches for the spiritual goal of the past, as he now knows there is nothing for which to search.

Bring pillows, blankets and other comfortable resting stuff. Chairs provided.



NOTE: If you are interested in individual sessions in your area with either Richard or Diane, please call 541-488-1499 or e-mail sol@solomondesignstu.com


Sunday, July 17, 9:30 - 10:30 for INTRO event (diksha given at intro). - $15
For FULL DAY, 11 am - 7 pm - or later if necessary.
Cost: $50 - $70 sliding scale.
If you are coming for full day, intro is FREE.
If you are coming to the intro and decide to stay for the full day, the money you pay for the intro goes towards payment for full day.

LOCATION: Tamarack Wellness Center, 3575 Donald Street, Eugene, OR
Bring pillows, blankets and other comfortable resting stuff. Chairs provided.


RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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