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Sunday, February 4, 2007
Location: 247 Granite St, Ashland
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Click for more information
Workshop: The TAO of Mayan Healing- Building the Bridge between Science and the Ancient Wisdom Keepers
With Judith Lightfeather

Feb. 1st, Thursday evening , 7-10 pm
Feb. 3, 4th, Saturday & Sunday 9 am - 6 pm

(See below for registration information) LOCATION CHANGED: 247 Granite St, Ashland

Workshop Description:

Combining the Science with the Mayan Wisdom begins to create an understanding of the patterns and relationships of energy flow from the multi-Universes to the atoms of the human body. Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing art based on a light touch of the spin point vortexes located on the energy meridians of the human body. Utilizing a toner for sound in the emotional field creates a vibration at the cellular level for release of issues, pain and dis-easement creating a natural flow of energy through these important meridians for wellness.

Understanding the energies of the Mayan glyphs for healing and activation adds to the power of the session. The energies of the Tzolk'in glyphs each carry a specific intent for spiritual growth and understanding in your Earth Walk. This course will empower you to become a sacred portal of these divine energies for clearing, healing and activations at the atomic level of the cellular structure where all potential for health and change resides in the still point with God/Hunab KU.

Home Study for preparation:

For students/practitioners who would like to study the text materials in advance of the training sessions the course is available in PDF documents that can now be downloaded from our website. This method will give you more time to study the course at a comfortable pace and permit the teachers to devote most of their time for your class in hands-on experiential training for you to become adept at performing the healing sessions and receive Certification. The entire website is designed as a learning experience in preparation for the classes.

Please visit the website and review the materials if you are registering for the course.
http://mayantonalacupressurecourse.org Click on Learning Materials http://mayantonalacupressurecourse.org/id22.htm to download the lessons.

Presenter's Biography:

Judith Light Feather, Minister, Founder Academie of Light. Combining 14 years of research on the Mayan and Anasazi Ancient Cultures with cosmology and nano science at the atomic scale have led to the development of this intensive course. The first Academie of Light was established for a year in Houston in collaboration with Ken Cox, NASA-JSC to teach consciousness awareness and spiritual concepts in preparation for space colonization in the future. Judith's connections with the space agencies continues to this day as co-founder of CANEUS Organization in Montreal, Canada which includes members of global space agencies from Canada, Europe, United States, Japan, China and India.

As President of The NanoTechnology Group Inc, a Global Education Consortium for K-20 nano science education she is invited to speak in many countries around the world and participated in the UNIDO-ICS Expert Working Group for Nanotechnology in Developing Nations held in Trieste, Italy. She is on the Board of Advisors for the NanoEthics Group in California and on five Advisory Boards of Lifeboat Foundaton. Judith was featured in the 2003 International Who's Who in Education Professionals and the 1983 1st Edition of Notable Women of Texas for her fine art portraiture, which included an Appointment as a U.S. Coast Guard Artist in 1983-84.

As a teacher/ practitioner and Reiki Master, Judith has expanded her energy healing work over the years to include the Mayan Tonal Acupressure and Axiatonal Initiation work. She traveled the United States from 1992-1996 sharing these teachings and practicing the healing methods. During these travels she visited many sacred lands and was identified by the Native American tribes as a Medicine Woman and given the name 'Light Feather', while in the Yucatec Maya lands she was identified as the Owl Priestess of Uxmal and given the name 'Balam Ak'bal' (Jaguar of the Night) as a Mayan Sh'men (female shaman). Her ongoing Mayan research of the nine recurring cycles that multiply in fractals throughout infinity explains the deeper layers of the patterns and relationships between the cycles known as the calendars.

Some aspects of the Mayan healing work developed by Judith were presented by Dr. Christopher Ging in a Dissertation on comparative studies between the Chinese/Mayan healing modalities at the University of Beijing Medical Center in 2005 and 2006. Sharing this knowledge with humanity for clearing of our issues, activation of our energy patterns and moving towards a state of well-being is the most powerful step towards inner peace where all peace begins and flows outward. "We have no limits, only those we impose on ourselves," is her mantra. So if you are already a teacher/practitioner of another modality of healing, explore this course to expand your areas of expertise as a portal of the Universal energy of GOD/Hunab K'u.

Festus Onogholo, African Co-ordinator, Divine Peace Initiative for Africa
Special Guest from Niger: The Academie of Light will host Festus Onogholo winner of the Africa Peace Gold Award for 2006 during the month of January & February, 2007 as he travels to the United States to learn the healing practices of Mayan Tonal Acupressure so that he can become a Teacher/Practitioner in his country. During his visit Festus will lead us in a powerful opening and closing meditation so that more people may join in the experiences of his guidance from Lord Sananda (Jesus) and Lord Kuthumi.

Learn more about Bridge of Hope to Niger at: http://www.mayantonalacupressurecourse.org/id30.htm

Read the story about the Award at: http://www.thenanotechnologygroup.org/index.cfm?Content=139&Menu=16

Registration and Online Payment for course at:

Fee: $260. Includes toner and CD of 6 tones which you will receive at the workshop.

Or, mail Registration with your contact information and check to:

Judith Light Feather
PO Box 456
Wells, TX. 75976

Cell: 830-660-0054


RENT RVML's LECTURE HALL: The 1,000 Sq.ft. presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available. Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, lectures, and gatherings. -$15.00 per hour, 2 hour minimum. http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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