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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ron Quinn- Click for more information
Lecture: Introduction to Vastu- The Ancient Vedic Science of Creation
By Ron Quinn

$5.00 - 20.00 Suggested donation, everyone welcome, no one turned away

Vaastu is the ancient and highly evolved spiritual science of architecture, art, sculpture, music, dance, poetry, and empowered language. Vastu/Vaastu is the magic of inner creation at it's highest and best. Through this magic we are empowered to reach the inner depths and heights of our own creativity. Although this science has been kept sacred and intact through the Sthapati lineage of India for millennia, it was known and practiced worldwide prior to the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis. Through the musical science of mathematics and geometry, Vaastu teaches us how to bring healing, inspiring, and transformative effects in very specific ways into our art, architecture, poetry, music, dance, and, indeed into all of our creations.

Through these highly evolved principles we can create musical symphonies both visual and aural which are designed to consciously heal, instruct, enlighten, etc. All of the optimal experiences which we humans desire, both materially and spiritually may be supported into manifestation and personal experience through these principles.

Simple applications of art, jewelry, furniture, sculpture, and building design are capable through Vaastu of becoming living, vibrant energies which support the optimal potential of the humans they serve, of the earth, and of all life. Vaastu also contains the secrets of empowered language through written, spoken, and telepathic expression. The full practice of the Vaastu principles simultaneously unites the inner and outer and terrestrial and celestial worlds, multi-dimensionally. This is its purpose.

The basics of Vaastu are simple. Anyone, even a child, can learn to practice these basic, yet powerful techniques. Vaastu is neither cultural nor religious: it is a profound universal, timeless, and fully evolved spiritual science. The full science is so vast that it can be studied and comprehended for a lifetime and still discover that there is much more. Vaastu is the ultimate science of Consciousness, itself, from the universal Source level of reality, and how it manifests itself through light and sound into visual and aural forms. The full comprehension of Vaastu enables the student to become master of both time and space.

This knowledge includes the understanding of inner transformation and ascension from death into eternal life. Vaastu reminds us that we are spiritual beings and that spirit is the substance or intelligence which incarnates through space and time. Through Vaastu we understand our own potential to create in harmony with universal harmonic energies.

Vaastu utilizes the universal energy grid of time and space for all human creations. A building or picture or poem created with this understanding becomes a living and vibrant expression of spirit. A true Vaastu building has remarkable potential for healing and balancing the human mind, body, heart, and soul. This kind of structure becomes a clear conduit of expression between all levels of being.

Through these means the inner harmony and well being of mind, spirit, and body are restored, even on a cellular level. Because a Vaastu building reconnects our inner being with the natural and spiritual environments, it contains the resonance to assist us in achieving our desires and goals in both the physical and spiritual worlds. In brief, Vastu/Vaastu is the science of universal creation at all levels and in all dimensions of reality.

Through it's principles, it is said that we become cosmic creators in harmony with the One Creator. Thus the practitioner of the Vaastu science is called "Vishwakarma" which means the "Creator of the universe".

Presenter's Biography:

Ronald Neil Quinn is one of only a few certified Vaastu builders in America who have trained directly with India's most prominent Vaastu Architect, Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati. Based in western Colorado, he is now offering complete design/construction services for Vaastu Homes to prospective clients anywhere who desire a personal residence that nurtures both body and soul. He also offers Vaastu design, planning, consultation, and construction management services for offices, factories, churches, schools, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, all businesses, apartment complexes, sacred centers, healing centers, pyramids, temples, and town and community planning.

Ron grew up on a small farm in the shadow of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Early in life he formed a deep and lasting intuitive/spiritual relationship with nature. Ron's career has been primarily in carpentry, building construction and building design. He has also studied with world class leaders in alternative healing and the spiritual sciences. He is a father, writer, artist, and teacher. His greatest human supporter is Bonnie, his best friend and mate for more than 30 years. Vaastu is the culmination of his life's vision and career.

Website: http://www.aumoneworld.com


TUESDAY LECTURE SERIES FORMAT: 90-120-minute lecture presentation including break and Q&A period. All events conclude promptly at 9:00pm.

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RVML's VISION STATEMENT: "Our ability to discern truth is enhanced by exposure to a broader perspective on the human experience. By integrating new truths into our awareness, the expansion of knowledge in the collective mind advances the evolution of human consciousness."

RENT RVML's PRESENTATION FACILITIES: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available.

Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, presentations, video screenings or other events. $15.00 per hour. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available.

More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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