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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time: 3:00 PM
Free Lecture: "Bral Talej" Divinatory Cards and Card Readings
By Shama

Free Admission, Donations Appreciated!

Presentation Description:

Shama will give a free presentation on her "Bral Talej" divinatory card deck. This is a brand new deck of cards that Shama created using archetypal images from the artwork of Damanhur's visionary founder, Oberto Airaudi, also known as Falco.
Shama will also be giving individual card readings by appointment on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16th and 17th.

Founded in Italy in the mid-1970's, today the Federation of Damanhur is known all over the world as a center for spiritual, artistic, and social research. Damanhur is an eco-society: a federation of communities and eco-villages with a continuously evolving social and political structure.

Other Damanhur events, presentations, classes, and private sessions will be happening in Ashland on Monday, October 15th - Wednesday, October 17th.

For more information or to schedule a private reading, please contact:
Larry Morningstar at 541-535-3140 or at DamanhurAshland@gmail.com

Website: http://www.DamanhurAshland.com

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Margaret Stevens
Lecture: Seicho No Ie ("Truth of Life")
By Margaret Stevens

$5.00 - 20.00 Suggested donation, everyone welcome, no one turned away

Presentation Description:

We are all children of God; spiritual beings. When we come to this realization, all delusions and their negative manifestations disappear and we naturally experience perfect health, love, harmony and abundance.

Power of the word: Words create our spiritual universe. What we think and say has a profound effect on our lives. We believe that prayer, words of love, and praise nourish our souls and bring out the indwelling divinity within each one of us.

Oneness of all religions: Seicho No Ie (Truth of Life) philosophy embraces all religions, races and creeds. It incorporates the teachings of Christianity, Buddhism and Shintoism and emphasizes that all religions emanate from the One Universal God We encourage members to maintain their original beliefs and do not seek to replace any religion. Seicho No Ie is intended to enhance what one has already learned and to shed additional light on the individual's path so that he may progress more rapidly to spiritual fulfillment.

Reconciliation and perfect harmony: Since our environment is a reflection of our thoughts, our inner perfection cannot be expressed if we possess discordant feelings. We must become reconciled with everyone and everything in order to have genuine peace and happiness. We are not truly reconciled until we are grateful; therefore we are taught to be grateful to all people and all things.

Presenter's Biography:

At 10 years of age I was badly injured in a fall from a high porch and spent the next 3 years in bed, with several serious operations on my damaged right leg. I attended Junior High School and High School while walking on crutches, getting around the campus in a wheel chair. After more surgery I was finally able to walk, with pain and limitations.

I was married in 1944 to an remarkable man, in the Army when we met and married, later was first flutist with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and head of the Wind and Percussion Dept. at USC in Los Angeles. Since it had been discovered, at a very young age, that I had a voice that later developed into quite a rather remarkable coloratura soprano, I would have pursued a musical career except for the severe physical limitations.

My interest in spiritual studies began in early marriage. Three wonderful children filled life with much joy: Rodger, David and Ann. After ministerial training that took me several years to achieve, I was ordained by Dr. Raymond Holliwell, for many years the President of the International New Thought Alliance. He became my mentor, my inspiration, and the embodiment of all that I admired in a spiritual giant. I became part of the INTA and for many years, traveled with Dr. Holliwell to every continent (except Australia), to South Africa 7 times where we helped start several New Thought Churches. There were many trips to Great Britain and Europe, several to Egypt, India, Japan.

Meantime, I had been chosen to be senior minister of the beautiful Santa Anita Church in Arcadia Calif, and was in that position for 24 yrs. In addition to the full job of ministry, I was also Director of the Barnhart School, a day school affiliated with the church, now a tally accredited and very much in demand school; grades K-8. I founded the Santa Anita Center for Ministerial Studies, and at my departure as minister, we had graduated 86 ministerial students who now serve in many parts of the world. I also started the Association for Independent Ministers (AIM) which functioned as a support and inspiration group for more than 40 members. I resigned from that wonderfully full and rich life in 1989 after discovering that I had breast cancer, underwent a mastectomy, and felt that my useful days as a minister had come to a close.

At that time, I moved alone to Ashland, Oregon, having found it to be a magical place of great spiritual inspiration, a culturally superb town with so much great music, superb theater productions, many spiritual giants whose books and works I had admired for years. During that time I was temporary minister of the Unity Church for some months, then started my own church, The Center For Positive Living, which existed for about five years, very successfully. When my son, Rodger, also an ordained New Thought minister who had helped me so much in the work, was sent to Texas to prison ( a whole story in itself - to be found in our book Families of the Jailed, by Margaret and Rodger Stevens, published and endorsed by friend, Neale Donald Walsch) I did not have the strength to continue alone, so the work was closed down.

I now live on 2 1/2 acres out in me outskirts of town, on a lovely property that my daughter, Ann purchased when she came from her home in Hawaii 10 years ago and decided that I needed help. I live in a darling 3 bedroom home on her property, with wonderful views, peaceful hills surrounding us; I consider it heaven on earth.

During my long lifetime, I wrote many books, some of which I cannot even remember. These are a few of them, including 4 children's books:

-Stepping Stones for Little Feet
-Prosperity is God's Idea
-Jubilation on the Journey (a compilation of the articles I wrote for the local newspaper for several years)
-You Cannot Die (a small but apparently very helpful little book that has helped many friends at their times of separation from loved ones.)

Now, at age 87, in relatively good health and with the determination to live the rest of my life in service to people who can benefit by the love, compassion, generosity and services I can offer, I am embarking on the new path of Seicho No Ie, which has, just in the past few months, enriched, blessed, improved my life in every possible way.


TUESDAY LECTURE SERIES FORMAT: 90-120-minute lecture presentation including break and Q&A period. All events conclude promptly at 9:00pm.

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RVML's VISION STATEMENT: "Our ability to discern truth is enhanced by exposure to a broader perspective on the human experience. By integrating new truths into our awareness, the expansion of knowledge in the collective mind advances the evolution of human consciousness."

RENT RVML's PRESENTATION FACILITIES: The 1,000 square-foot (15'x65') presentation area is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible with full audio-visual capabilities available.

Eighty folding chairs can be arranged in different configurations for meetings, presentations, video screenings or other events. $15.00 per hour. Includes free e-mail and web-calendar advertising. Other publicity and production services available.

More information: http://www.rvml.org/contact.shtml

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