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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Event Title: RVML's Lending Library is Open Everyday 2-6pm, Sat. 10am-6pm
Saturday, August 21, 2004

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Location: RVML Event Center - 258 A St, Ashland
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Kathleen Casey & Mary Leary- Click for more information
Workshop: Activating the Heart through Harmonic Sound Intervention
Facilitated by Kathleen Casey & Mary Leary

PART 1 of 2

Cost: $260 (early bird special $225 'till August 10)

Workshop Description:

In this two day workshop we will work with powerful sound vibrations - both vocal and instrumental - to clear old patterns, particularly emotional (and in many cases generational), as cell contractions are released and cell memory is activated/awakened, allowing access to dormant talents, skills and abilities in our lineage. Our primary focus is the throat and heart chakras; the intent is to accelerate the creative expression of the soul as the personality comes into a deeper alignment with Self at a vibratory level. We will also work with the harmonious relationship of the heart and intellect as we anchor the vibrational experience into our every day lives.

Activating the Heart is revolutionary because it is directed straight to the cells, releasing that which is no longer needed, by utilizing traditional shamanic techniques of sound energy, ancient wisdom and divine guidance. Each person receives exactly what is necessary for his/her evolutionary process, including a private reading with audio clairvoyant Mary Leary.
Join Master Sound Facilitator Kathleen Casey and Mary Leary for an experiential event in which the spirit of playfulness creates results with ease rather than effort. You are invited to bring percussion instruments (beans in a jar is fine!), something comfortable to lie down on, journal/notebook and pen, and water.

Price is $260. Early bird price (till August 10) is $225.

Payment can be made through paypal at: info@sapphirehouse.com or checks made out to Sunny Ariel.

Mail Checks to: 1609 Brookview Place, Bellingham, WA 98229.

Website: http://www.sapphirehouse.com" Target="_blank">http://www.sapphirehouse.com Phone: (360) 527 2796.

Presenters' Biographies:

Kathleen Casey, Master Sound Healer, has been involved with energy work, spiritual counseling and teaching for thirty years. Ten years ago she spontaneously began speaking, singing and chanting high vibrational seed languages and sounds which have the power to act as a catalyst for the acceleration of soul purpose. An important aspect of Kathleen's work is her use of the symphonic gong, an instrument with profound oceanic vibrations and healing effects.

Mary Leary, an audio clairvoyant, is uniquely gifted in the clearing and facilitating of family lineages, emotional blockages, spiritual awakenings and DNA activations. Kathleen and Mary form a unique partnership in this groundbreaking work which facilitates the soul's blueprint in a highly individualized and intimate way. Kathleen provides a nurturing and inspiring presence, which is enhanced by Mary's ability to anchor and facilitate the movement of energy.

What recent participants are saying:

"I had a profound sense of "being seen" as Kathleen and Mary worked on me. The tones and noises that came through Kathleen's throat and voice may have sounded strange to anyone just listening in, but they felt like music to my soul as they were directed to me in a healing way! Every tone she made with her voice and gong seemed to stir within me a deep recognition of things long ago forgotten about my soul's journey and myself. It was as if something was seeing the "whole " of me and whispering its secrets in my ear, helping me to remember aspects of myself that are vital and important to my consciousness now. The experience was deeply profound and moving, and I was left with a feeling of Lightness and Gratitude that felt very firmly anchored in my heart chakra...it has been several weeks now, and it is still with me!"

-Indigo, Bellingham, WA

"I enthusiastically recommend Kathleen & Mary's workshops to anyone who wants to take their healing to the next level. The embracing and grounded presence of Kathleen, combined with Mary's invigorating psychic powers creates a nurturing and incubative environment. And the Symphonic Gong! Wow! The most profoundly moving and grounding waves of sound I have ever known - generating both expansion and cohesion! My DNA spontaneously restructured itself in the midst of Kathleen's toning session. I was aware of many shifts taking place in my body and when I left the Harmonic Sound Intervention workshop I was a different person - more my true self. How does it get better than this?"

-Lisalea, Bellingham, WA

"The Harmonic Sound Activation workshop was an awesome experience for me. Memorable is not adequate to describe it because it has shifted some very deep things within me so that I am not even the same person. Instead, I have released some self-restricting energy patterns, resulting in an emergence… as if from a sleep. I am a more authentic Donna, less encumbered with fears and worries. The only way to describe how I feel now is that I vibrate at a higher frequency. Thank you Sunny, Kathleen and Mary. I have just met you and I love you!"

-Donna, Coquitlam, British Columbia

Website: http://www.sapphirehouse.com" Target="_blank">http://www.sapphirehouse.com Phone: (360) 527 2796.

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