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If speech is like the dying breath, then Art is like air. Art is poetry, in vision.
So in this collage I have created I have spoken, the pieces of magazine and images torn together, my images are words creating a poem.
I represents my life, my spirit, experience, and feeling.
The ocean, the moon the mountains.
These are things, beings that I live for.
The moon represents my feelings, like a spontaneous being it absorbs my tears, my blood, my soul. It represents friendship, running naked beneath it, togetherness.
The moon’s tears trickle into the ocean, they become beings, women, souls.
The moon and the sea are eternally intertwined, the tides are of the Moon’s doing. Because of my connection, deep connection to them both, together they become me, and engulf me.
The mountains are of the earth, the stone, the dirt, life, death. Powerful and deep.
The Divine.
Pregnant with dreams, the mind is a womb for ideas, creations.
All off these images, thoughts, poems are me. Eros, spirit, intellect.
I write my name in the water, guided by the shadows of the mountains, by the light of the paper moon.
Heart, water, moon and earth.

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