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“HEALING THE GLOBE”  by Shanay Healy

“HEALING THE GLOBE” by Shanay Healy

Our generation of youth in this country especially is lucky, we have no great depression, no great war; we do not live in constant fear or famine, and without these burdens, it offers us the opportunity and invites us to reach out our free hands to work and improve...

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“CANDLE OF HOPE”  by Sonali Desai

“CANDLE OF HOPE” by Sonali Desai

We don't know about the future, but it is certain there will be problems, and the future may even be more difficult than the present. Even now, the world is facing uncounted problems. There is always news of war, terrorism, disaster, murders and accidents. The...

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“GRACE”  by Natalie Jablonski

“GRACE” by Natalie Jablonski

There is nothing concrete I can point to as my clear life's purpose. I do not have a legible map of my life that illustrates exactly who I will be and what I will do. Thus it is difficult to define something that I see as my purpose, which implies a coherent goal....

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“THE DIVINE CINEMA OF OM” by Ryanna Koppel

IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE One early spring morning in my Philosophy and Literature class, I was calmly trying to awaken myself to greet the morning's gray slideshow of rain clouds when suddenly I heard a question. It was a simple question, read during the morning...

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“MEMORIES”  by Kyle Sunday

“MEMORIES” by Kyle Sunday

I feel, in life, one of the most precious things you can have are memories. Without them life would be plain, and bland, good times and memories are the beauty of a mind.

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“LIFE IS A GAME”  by Austin Gurwell

“LIFE IS A GAME” by Austin Gurwell

Throughout my life I have realized that life is nothing but a game. There is a start and a finish or ultimate goal that we must all accomplish. Not everyone will accomplish this goal, thus making the game a challenge. My life goal, as reflected by my piece, is to one...

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“EYE OF LIFE”  by Adria Kuzmitz

“EYE OF LIFE” by Adria Kuzmitz

The eye in the center of the page represents my life. It has pictures of farm animals, dog, geese and sheep because I plan to have a farm when I am older. The eyebrow above the eye has pictures of space. It represents the sky above me and how beautiful it is. The...

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"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." Ursula K. LeGuin has summed up, in these few words precisely, how I see life. Setting goals and limits for yourself is excellent, but, after all is said and done, it's what...

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“WHO AM I?”  by Sharon Schroer

“WHO AM I?” by Sharon Schroer

A wandering soul striving to learn more of what life is. Someone to lend a helping hand when life sends you for a spin. I'm a daily reminder to stop and smell the roses as my path changes with 90' angles. I love to laugh in the faces of those whom tried to bring me...

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“THE PURPOSE OF LIFE”  by Ben O’Donnell

“THE PURPOSE OF LIFE” by Ben O’Donnell

My collage represents my purpose of life. The background is a baseball. I chose to put a baseball in the background because I want to be a professional baseball player when I grow up. Inside the baseball I made someone helping someone else up. This shows that one of...

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My collage expresses my life purpose on a career and personal level. At my age it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what is my life purpose. The flower sprouting from the brain in my collage represents my desire to learn. So, through learning and growing I will...

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“FLIGHT”  by Fawn Ledesma

“FLIGHT” by Fawn Ledesma

What is my life purpose? To teach and influence those around me to rise above negativity, let truth and honesty thrive, and most of all let our drive and our passion....rule us. When we reach for these goals, our hands outstretched, the seemingly unreachable happiness...

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“JAPAN and AMERICA”  by Rose Conney

“JAPAN and AMERICA” by Rose Conney

Last summer, I did a six-week long homestay in Toyama Prefecture, Japan, and I'm currently sharing my room with a year-long Japanese exchange student. Since going to Japan and studying Japanese language and culture, I've felt that learning about other cultures is...

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“IN FULL BLOOM”  by Abeni Hill

“IN FULL BLOOM” by Abeni Hill

I offer my collage as a metaphor for my life, not yet defined but budding and ready to bloom. I am a young woman growing up in a world full of excitement, sadness and sometimes hate. As people we go through tough times, and as young people we go through learning...

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A starfish doesn't have a brain but can flip its stomach inside out. All polar bears are left handed, the octopus’s pupil is a rectangle, woman blink twice as much as men, Saturn would float in water, and a duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. These things...

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It is so easy to say that the meaning of our lives is to live it. But it is in our lives that we must find our meaning. What I am now is what I have to show as my purpose. Viktor E. Frankl wrote in his novel, Man's Search for Meaning, "Having been is a kind of being...

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