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2005 Idea Contest Essays

First Place Winner

“My Bliss” by Lilly Skolnik

Inside the studio, time passes with ease, and we take no notice of it. It’s unnecessary, for the thin piece of wood lining one wall provides us with all the structure and discipline that we care for. The forgiving floorboards accept our flaws and imperfections, allowing for progression as often as our bodies and minds truly commit. Mirrored walls provide reflections, carefully correcting both minor and key inaccuracies, while simultaneously bearing congratulations for that which we do well....

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Second Place Winner

“An Almond Tree in Bloom” by Tucker Reed

An almond tree stands in my yard, planted long ago by the pioneers who first settled here, mindful of their need for sustenance throughout the long winter. It has survived many seasons, and it is old for an almond tree -- nearly done. It was a seed once, a kernel of potential, its cells alive with unnamed intent . It sent up a tender shoot and uncurled its first grasping roots to obey its life purpose. The plant grew then, its green twig becoming woody and strong, its leaves reaching high for...

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Third Place Winner

“Creating a Life Purpose from Life’s Passion” by Eve Thornton

In order to define my life purpose, I must first decide what a life purpose means to me, for I’m sure everyone has their own idea about what their life purpose is. When I first thought about my life purpose, the first thing that came to mind were my goals, hopes and dreams for my life. The sorts of things I have created to give my life a meaningful direction and purpose, the blue print for who I want to be. However I hesitate to call them my life purpose, because it seems that my life’s...

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“My Everlasting Purpose of Purpose” by Mitch Posada

The reason we live is relevant to the existence of purpose. Without purpose is without life, and without life is without purpose. Why would life exist if there were no reason? The creation of time and life is also the creation of purpose. Time was made so that life...

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“Beautiful Mind by Kayla” Bryant

“Your purpose in life” when do we find out what that is, or do we ever find out? We can imagine, we can set our own goals and we can make it happen if we choose. In the last couple of months my friends and I have lost some people very close to us. One, especially...

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“What I DO Know” by Nick DeBruno

What is the meaning of life? I could probably quote a half dozen or so answers from different religious faiths and philosophical schools if that were the question, however, the question I am addressing is one of a much more complex, personal, and intuitive nature:...

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“What Is your Life Purpose?” by Christina Lacy

In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, a similar question was brought up, but stated as a search for our “proper function”. Aristotle said that our proper function was characteristic to man, and not universal for all forms of life. The function of vegetation and plants is...

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“Question the Purpose of Life” by Eric Stroo

Look up at the stars one night, marvel at their complex beauty. You will see infinity in the form of distant lights that shine with through with such radiance. It is inevitable that this scene will not move you to ask questions about the nature and purpose of life....

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“Like Music” by Shawn Johnson

Life is like music. Music is rooted deep within every culture because of its ability to represent every aspect of life. It is a unique art that can express every human emotion. Music flows as life does; melodies, rhythms, harmonies, and dynamic shifts, are all...

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“The Purpose of Life Is to Love” by Brendan Curry

Since the day I was born, I've been on this long, mystical journey through life. I'm still only a teenager, and have many a year to go, but I know I have a purpose in this home we call Earth. What would be the point in living if we didn't have a purpose? I know I have...

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“The Search For Equanimity” by Solamon Estin

In our current society of misleading media influences, many often live according to what they are told is right, rather than by a personal definition of virtue. While many of us tend to live a life in which we accept the truths put forth by society, what we should...

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“Looking to Tomorrow” by Faye Walker

Every human being was put on earth for a reason. Man has the capability to do great things, both helpful and harmful. Personally, I choose to trust in the innate kindness of people that enables them to work for the good of all. In this present day and age of wars,...

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“Being: My Life Purpose” by Molly Thievierge

Rarely have I felt such clarity and focus. It is an undivided, organic wholeness, when I know at the core of my being that this is me at my greatest. However, being at my greatest is not simply for the sake of being great, but for what that expression yields and the...

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“Making a Peaceful World” by Kaoutar Abbou Oucherif

Since the beginnings of humanity, people have always been concerned about their purpose in life. Some people think that we are alive to worship God, others think that it is because God created us and forgot us. So, Is our goal in life just to eat, drink, reproduce,...

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“My Life’s Purpose” by Hannah Darling

…To let sun reach its long fingers down and wrap me around each day, so I don’t pass by willow branches that will someday break or things that make me laugh. To lye on the kitchen floor and let myself fall through with the other things from the garden, just to become...

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“An Almond Tree in Bloom” by Tucker Reed

An almond tree stands in my yard, planted long ago by the pioneers who first settled here, mindful of their need for sustenance throughout the long winter. It has survived many seasons, and it is old for an almond tree -- nearly done. It was a seed once, a kernel of...

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“My Bliss” by Lilly Skolnik

Inside the studio, time passes with ease, and we take no notice of it. It’s unnecessary, for the thin piece of wood lining one wall provides us with all the structure and discipline that we care for. The forgiving floorboards accept our flaws and imperfections,...

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