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This collage was very inspiring for me. I began by searching through magazines and cutting out pictures that had enough to mold my emotions. I was able to find a theme by comparing all of my pictures and discovering their similarities. Through this I found my topic “relationships.” This seemed to make the most sense to me since all of my pictures have to do with relationships between different things. In my collage I managed to illustrate man and earth relationships, man and animal relationships, relationships with one’s self, parent offspring relationships, sibling relationships, animal to animal relationships and many more. Among these love is passionately displayed.

From the relationships in my collage I aim to communicate how relationships are so important, and how prominent they are in life. Relationships can be full of love and compassion, business like or even display hatred. Dedication and moral responsibility also play a part in them. I found it very intriguing in how some types of relationships are sometimes overlooked as relationships and instead viewed as a way of life. This is precisely what they have become. Relationships are a way of life and surround us everywhere. There are so many different kinds and they are all capable of bringing forth different feelings and deep rooted emotions. It is through these that we learn how to appreciate others, one’s self and the rest of the world. It is from this that my passion is drawn. There are so many different levels of relationships and so many things waiting to experience them.

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