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What is a passion that I long to express, why am I passionate about it?

My passion is snowboarding. I live to ride. Snowboarding is my anti-depressant, my anti-drug, and the mountains are like my sanctuary. When I am snowboarding, on a beautiful day, that is the happiest time of my life. My problems are instantly gone, without a thought. Just thinking about snowboarding motivates me to wake up each day, go to school, and get my life together. I know that if I don’t do these things, I can never follow my dreams.

Every day, I wake up after having dreamed about snowboarding, and I am full of anticipation for the day to start. Snowboarding gives me something to hold on to, an identity in this world of confusion. I am passionate about snowboarding because I love every aspect of it. I love the mountains, and how powerful they are. The wilderness and being outside inspire me to create, and give me power. I love the rush of being in the air and being able to touch down and land so smoothly and gracefully. I love how I can be so afraid of something, and once I do it, it is a huge step in my life, overcoming that fear. Snowboarding pushes me both mentally and physically in all aspects.

Since I have started snowboarding, I have become so much stronger, and learned to take on responsibility. I have grown a lot as a person, because I really know who I am now, and I know what I want to do with my life. I know that in order to be successful, I have to work hard at what I want, and reach for the stars. Snowboarding gives me the drive to make my life all it can be.

“I do not intend to tip-toe through life only to arrive safely at death.”

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