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by Pippa Callanan

The lines from Romeo and Juliet “He jests at scars that never felt a wound” describes the essence of my collage. These lines perfectly capture the unfathomable pain that some countries, like Africa, have endured. This suffering is incomprehensible to the splendorous luxuries that America enjoys daily. I find it outrageously ironic that America has enough money to spend on whitening toothpaste, extravagantly rich diets, and superfluous salaries for athletes while millions are starving and are in need of medical attention.

After researching HIV/AIDS statistics, I found that 11 people contract HIV per minute. 10 of those 11 are from Africa. My plans after high school are to work on steps to influence the HIV/AIDS epidemic. I would like to find a possible cure for the increasing reach this disease is grasping in our world. I would achieve this goal by becoming a doctor, and providing service to the people in AIDS stricken countries. I would work in small third-world nations to promote awareness in larger wealthy nations about wide spread starvation.

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