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When I began this project I thought about my different possibilities. My passion. But what is my passion? I love choir, but am I really passionate about it? I decided that since I’m so interested in people, my passion must be just that. Then I realized that I don’t really like people in general, I like analyzing them. My passion is human psychology.
The age old question of nature versus nurture has always been prominent in my thought. What makes people who they are? What makes us different, yet so similar? My collage represents differences, while maintaining what makes us all alike: our ability to relate to each other. Whether or not a person likes another person does not tell their similarity. Dislike can be the only bond between two people, and in a strange way, they’re the same because of it.

Orange has become the main color in my collage. It represents the fire in people’s souls. While the different personalities depicted may clash, orange is the similar color bringing the piece together. Different yet the same. United through diversity.

The veil represents how people view each other. People’s vision is clouded by the boundaries between their two minds. To truly understand someone, you must become them. Separating us from becoming one another, the veil is the reason we are different.

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