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Contest Introduction

Hey, my name is Dana Baker. I am a 10th grade student and I go to Ashland High School. Before that, I live in Wasilla, Alaska. I am born in China, and I was adopted when I was 12 years old. I am only live in United States for about 3 and half years. If any of these sentence doesn’t make sense to you, please forgive me. I have tried, and I am still learning.
The purpose for me doing this collage is that I wanted to win the scholarship for college. That’s not only reason that motivate me to doing this project. Another reason I do this collage is that I really like doing it and it’s good experiment for me. Also it’s a good opportunity for me to discovery about myself and to find out what’s my talent. The major thing I like about art is to create your own style of art. I also really like draw human portrait. To me it’s the most fun and challenge thing. I also wanted to thanks all you for give me the opportunity to win the scholarship.

My passion is about nature. I think nature is a wonderful gift from god. I think nature made this world a better place for human to live here. No nature, then this world would be not interesting and nothing unique about. So I wanted to do this nature collage is to tell all the people who live on this world we should appreciate the beauty of the nature. Also we should take good care of the nature and not trash them.

Dana Baker

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