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The question of whether or not a God exists is a widely debated topic. However, for me personally, there is no doubt that Jesus lives. That is why I incorporated a cross as the foundation for my collage. The cross; however, not only represents my faith, but my family as well. The cloth is made of 100% wool from Scotland, and bears the design of Dundas plaid. This shows that my family is the second most important factor in my life. They are the ones that love me, provide for me, and keep me laughing.

After God and family, I can not put an order to the hundreds of hobbies I enjoy. To limit the complexity, I chose to pick out three of my favorite pastimes to share with whomever looks at my collage, so they can understand a piece of me. The easiest way for someone to understand me would be for him or her to know of my extreme love for horses. The hidden horse head, made of small horse pictures, only begins to demonstrate how much time I put into these large, loving animals. Amongst the many magazine pictures of random horses, I incorporated several photos of me and my two closest friends (Reepacheep and Lena). They have been my faithful friends for years and I hope to share many more memories with them. The one constant in my life will be that no matter where I am in the future, horses will always be with me. I have hardly spent a day without them in my entire life, and I do not plan to discontinue that any time soon.

Almost equally as important as horses are to me, is the countryside. I am not taking about the country of America in particular, but rather the rural sites, sounds, and smells you can observe while away from industrialization. I am happiest if I am riding my horse where there are not people. Of all the ecosystems I could choose form the desert is my favorite, but I would be content to be anywhere surrounded purely by nature.

Mixed in with the scenery pictures are words that express my keen interest in the Middle East (especially Arabia, and Iran). I hope to some day travel not only to these places, but around the world as well. As much of a home cowgirl as I am, I also love exploring new areas.

Every person has different interests and passions in life. I am no different. The collage I arranged reflects the most important aspects of my life along with some of the smaller ones. The more you look into the pictures the more subtle expressions you might find. I immensely enjoyed putting together this collection of my passions, and I hope that someone else will enjoy them as well.

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