My collage was designed to fit the prompt about what I am passionate about. I am passionate about acting, in all shapes and forms, and so I intended my poster to express this passion. In the center of my poster is a figure, could be man or woman as there are actors and actresses, arms and legs stretched wide, soaking in the glory and the light that acting provides them. Inspirational theatrical quotes and words surround this ecstatic figure from famous names in dramatic history. I did this to express the many facets and the endless necessities required of an actor. Acting is not simply acting but millions of actions combined as one, dense emotion and knowledge, constant gruesome work, physical strains on the mind, body and soul.
The border of my collage expresses two very different aspects of acting; theater (shown by the curtains) and film( shown by the popcorn). These two industries of acting are two completely opposite professions, but at the same time they are linked together, joined by the power of drama and acting. I wanted to express the power and the knowledge that acting is not so often understood for, and I wanted to show the world what it really takes to be an actor.