by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
Our generation of youth in this country especially is lucky, we have no great depression, no great war; we do not live in constant fear or famine, and without these burdens, it offers us the opportunity and invites us to reach out our free hands to work and improve...
by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
We don’t know about the future, but it is certain there will be problems, and the future may even be more difficult than the present. Even now, the world is facing uncounted problems. There is always news of war, terrorism, disaster, murders and accidents. The...
by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
There is nothing concrete I can point to as my clear life’s purpose. I do not have a legible map of my life that illustrates exactly who I will be and what I will do. Thus it is difficult to define something that I see as my purpose, which implies a coherent...
by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
My life purpose is to be a healing influence in the life of my dad, to love and cherish him, to accept him just like he is, and to walk with him through this ordeal in his life.
by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE One early spring morning in my Philosophy and Literature class, I was calmly trying to awaken myself to greet the morning’s gray slideshow of rain clouds when suddenly I heard a question. It was a simple question, read during the morning...
by RVML | Apr 25, 2020 | 2005 Idea Contest Collages
I feel, in life, one of the most precious things you can have are memories. Without them life would be plain, and bland, good times and memories are the beauty of a mind.